Chapter Three

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Looking back at the car, she saw a young girl with ginger hair get out of the passenger side door before placing a skateboard onto the floor. The car stopped rumbling and the drivers side door swung open, a tall dirty blond haired boy got out, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He was wearing tight fitting jeans and a denim jacket over a dark white shirt. Quite obviously he was every girl's crush, the high school bad boy who owned the school and would break your heart with the first chance he got. Shrugging she looked back at Steve, Nancy and Jonathan.The group went back to calmly chatting.

Suddenly, she felt a large hand grab onto her shoulder. It was an electric feeling of shock, her eyes scrunched closed tightly. Without thinking, she latched onto the wrist of the mystery person, turning around sharply. The stranger was now in a vulnerable position, their arm so close to it's breaking point that they couldn't move an inch. Elizabeth quickly, put force onto their inner elbow, making their arm bend into their back, slightly pushing their hand between their own shoulder blades.

The event happened so quickly, it was as though she was on autopilot. A short gasp left her lips when she realised who she was holding in the self-defence position. Her grip on his arm loosened, immediately unlocking her victim from the painful pose. Hesitantly, she took a step back, her hand over her mouth and her eyes flooded with fear.

"Well, well, you're a feisty one aren't you?" The guy growled, his voice low and menacing. His piercing blue eyes staring deep into Lizzy's soul. Stepping closer to the small girl, she wanted to step back but didn't want to show fear. "Cat got your tongue, kid?" he asked, Lizzy screwed her eyes shut bowing her head. Steve grabbed Billy's shoulder and pulled him away from her and Jonathan pulled Elizabeth behind him protectively.

"Back off man, it's her first day." Steve stated pushing Billy away from them. Looking over he saw the new kid stood behind Nancy and Jonathan, pushing her hair behind her ear awkwardly.

"I was just trying to introduce myself," Billy said looking over at the blonde haired girl waiting for her to say something, "Is there something wrong with her?" he spat condescendingly.

"She doesn't speak, so just back off." Steve said jabbing Billy in the chest, scowling Billy turned away before leaving the group. Turning back to the group Steve scanned the faces that we're looking back at him. His face dropped when he realised only two people were looking back at him. Shoving past Nancy and Jonathan, Steve rushed into the school looking for the blonde girl who had just disappeared. Turning the corner quickly Steve's eyes settled on the small figure he had been looking for staring at a sheet of paper.

"Hey, Elizabeth!" Steve called waving at the girl, she looked up from the paper and flashed him a small smile, "Are you okay?" he breathed, slightly more panic in his voice than he had anticipated. Lizzy placed her hand on the top of his arm and nodded, smiling softly. Steve smiled back, he looked down to see her still tightly grasping the sheet of paper. Slowly he reached for the sheet of paper and took it from her hand, where she was holding it was rather crumpled but still easily readable, it was her time table and locker number.

"Oh, do you want me to show you to your locker?" Steve asked, his eyes soft and voice calm. Liz nodded her head giving him a thankful look. As they walked he pointed out his and Nancy's lockers and told her about the teachers she had, Liz just happily listened to everything he said. Out of the people she had met so far she enjoyed Steve's company the most, he didn't seem to care that she was a mute and just spoke to her like a normal person which she had missed. The pair wandered down the corridor that was lined with cream lockers until they reached hers. Quickly she read the piece of paper and unlocked the door swinging it open before shoving some of the books she didn't need in there. Slamming the door shut and locking it she looked over at Steve and smiled, talking the piece of paper from his hands she grabbed her pen and scribbled 'thank you ' on the back of it.

"No worries, that's what friends are for." Steve said, running his hand through his hair before taking a deep breath, "I know it's your first day and all but there is a Halloween party tonight and you're more than welcome to join." He offered.

Elizabeth's eyes lit up at the idea of a party, even though she didn't talk, she loved drinking. She nodded excitedly, it would be a good way to see how people are in a social situation outside of school and who to avoid at all costs. They agreed to meet at seven and Steve said he would give her a lift there and back home. Suddenly, the loud bell pierced through the silence making Lizzy jump, Steve smiled slightly placing his hand back on her shoulder calming her down slightly.

"Where do you need to be?" Steve asked softly, Lizzy grabbed his wrist and wrote the word 'office' on his palm. He nodded reading his hand before walking off in the direction of the office and gesturing for her to follow along. The two of them reached their destination. The lady at the front desk said that she would take her to her first class, Steve smiled before leaving her and heading to his own class.

After waiting for around ten minutes the lady behind the desk stood up and lead her to the first lesson she had, English Literature. Following her into the classroom she looked around and saw one empty seat in the back row, the reception lady whispered something to the tutor before leaving the room.

"This is Elizabeth, she will be joining our class ." The teacher smiled, "There is a seat in the back for you." He added pointing to the back of the room.

Lizzy scutteled to the back of the room trying not to draw attention to herself, she slid into the empty seat and looked around her eyes landed on the desk next to her. Her breath caught in her throat when she locked eyes with a pair of ocean coloured eyes. Carefully turning her attention away, she chewed on the inside of her cheek, still feeling the gaze of her person next to her burning into the side of her head.

She tried really hard to keep her eyes looking forward as the class went on. Occasionally, she'd divert her awareness to her notebook, as she scribbled a few notes down. But, the boy in the desk next to her seemed to be incredibly distracting. He was sat with one foot up on the desk and his arms rested behind his head, as though he was lounging. Not only did he not have any paper or materials to take notes, but his attention wasn't even on the teacher. His attention was fully on Lizzy.

"Hey," She heard him whisper, leaning towards her. Lizzy just kept her eyes down looking at her notebook, "I know you can hear me Elizabeth."

She pulled her attention off her notebook and glared at Billy who had taken his feet down off his desk and leaned over towards her. Scowling she grabbed a loose piece of paper from her desk and scribbled down 'what?' before showing him it. Smirking at her look of annoyance he put his feet back up on his desk, maintaining eye contact with her the entire time.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" he asked, Liz glanced away finally breaking their eye contact. She didn't indicate to him an answer to him at all, trying to ignore no matter what. But his curious eyes were still lingering, waiting for an answer.

Elizabeth sighed loudly, before turning her attention back to him. She nodded quickly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Billy seemed to like her reply, as he sat back in his seat, taking a cigarette out of his box that was laid on the desk, and placing it behind his ear.

Before the pair could continue with the exchange, the bell rang, signalling that it was the end of the period. Impatiently, Lizzy stood up, wanting to get out of the suddenly stuffy room. As she packed her things into her bag, she felt a soft hand land on her upper arm and a soft, warm tickle of breath on the back of her neck.

"I guess we'll be seeing each other again tonight, sweetheart." Billy's voice made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

Without another word, Billy's hand left her skin, leaving pulsations of electric in its place. And also leaving Elizabeth, breathless and slightly flustered, in the middle of an almost empty classroom.

HEY! SO LIKE hi. Thanks 4 reading, hopefully this will be updated like 2 times a week. Lots of love <3<3

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