Chapter Nine

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The further away from school Elizabeth got the more guilt rose to her throat. Guilt about leaving Billy, about missing more school, about everything. Elizabeth had only spent one full day at her new school and she knew that she was most likely going to get punished for skipping but she just needed her bed. Her body had gone into auto-pilot as she approached the house she was staying in. Shaking her head slightly Lizzy attempted to pull herself back to reality as she pushed open the front door. Looking over to the living room she saw her Aunt and Uncle staring at her, they didn't seem angry that she was skipping or that she didn't come home the night before, they just looked kind of sad. Before they could say anything to her she carried on walking and went to her room.

Tiredly she routed through her wardrobe and pulled out an oversized pair of joggers. Slipping off her jeans, she quickly tugged on the soft pants and rolled the ankles up slightly before flopping down on her bed. Staring up at the ceiling Liz noticed a subtle ache course through her body, all she craved was human contact, a simple hug to try and keep her together.

Elizabeth was pulled out of her trance by a knock at her window. Dragging herself up from the bed she opened her curtains to see Billy there, she sighed before pushing the window open. It wasn't she was angry at Billy, she was just tired. So tired of everything, She just wanted to go home. To her real home.

"I thought I'd find you here." He whispered softly, "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and I know it stresses you out. So I am sorry."

Elizabeth smiled at him softly, not being able to stay annoyed at his stupid face. Tiredly she tugged at his jacket, pouting slightly making him laugh before pulling himself up into her room. As soon as his feet were on the floor Lizzy wrapped her arms around him just wanting to be close to someone. It took a moment before Billy reacted, gently he wrapped his arms around her small frame running his fingers through her soft hair, yet he couldn't help but notice her shudder slightly against him and bury her face into his chest.

"Hey. Hey." Billy whispered, his voice so soft it made Elizabeth want to cry. Gently he pressed a kiss on the crown of her head before tightening his arms around her.

Suddenly the moment was broken by the sound of footsteps heading across the landing. Quickly Elizabeth pulled away from the hug, a look at pure fear on her face. Grabbing the collar of Billy's jackets she dragged him over towards her closet and shoved him in, shooting an apologetic look in his direction as she pushed the door too. As soon as she turned away her bedroom door was shoved open and her Uncle wandered in. Elizabeth's stomach knotted when she laid her eyes on him. His usual strut had been replaced with a more reserved walk and she knew something was wrong.

"Elizabeth, it's Robert." Her uncle said, his words breathy. She watched his eyes flicker over the photos on her desk, "Your dad... he went for his last surgery and there was a complication and he didn't, he didn't wake up."

Elizabeth felt like she had just been submerged underwater without warning, drowning. Stood staring at nothing as her brain was screaming for help, struggling to get back to the surface of her thoughts. Her heart was hammering against her ribs like it was trying to escape and at any moment it would just break free; yet she thought her heart leaving her chest would probably hurt less, she willed it to keep going hoping to remove the pain in her head. To everyone else she looked calm, yet most people who are trying not to inhale water do.

"Are you having a laugh?" she heard her uncle scoff, she glance towards him to see a manic look on his face, "Your dad is dead! He's gone! And you still won't speak!" He exclaimed, he stepped over to her desk looking at all the neatly positioned photo frames. He reached for the one of Lizzy and her parents, lifting it up he smirked.

She's Got a Way - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now