Chapter Seven

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Elizabeth sat through her next few lessons ignoring everyone around her, the event's with Steve earlier that day had put her in a foul mood so she just wanted to catch up on work. She needed to catch up on work, it's not like she could ask questions if she got stuck. The bell rang for lunch and she slowly began to pack up her stuff. It was at this point in the day she had felt most shitty, the hangover was in full swing. All she wanted to do was go home and sleep. Walking out of the classroom she made her way to the cafeteria and looked around, there were people everywhere, shouting and being all annoying. She couldn't think of anything worse than sitting with them.

Turning around Elizabeth began walking away, she had barely left the dining hall before someone grabbed her shoulder and pushed her into the wall. Looking up she saw a group of girls surrounding her, one of them pinning her to the wall by her shoulder. Knowing she could get out of it at any point she decided to play along. The girl started babbling on about Billy and the party; just lots of stuff Elizabeth didn't care about. Rolling her eyes she hit the inside of the snotty girls elbows, grabbing her wrists and putting her against the wall instead before walking away. It wasn't the first time that she had been cornered and she was sure that it wouldn't be the last.

"Bet her mom's a whore too, that's where she gets it!" The girl shouted. Elizabeth froze, that was a step too far, she didn't mind people talking shit about her but her family were a different story. Turning back around and walking towards the girl who decided to bring her mum into this, she had long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and a bitchy smile on her face. Grabbing the girls shoulders, Elizabeth slammed her back into the wall, knocking the wind out of her chest. The girl let out a breathy laugh, making Elizabeth angrier.

"Oooh, looks like the mute has mommy issues." She spat, Elizabeth closed her eyes tightly and stepping away attempting to calm herself down. The girl laughed slightly, stepping away from the wall, before she could get a word in edgewise Elizabeth pulled back and punched her in the nose, causing her to stumble back to the wall holding her nose. There was an audible gasp from the people behind her. Just as Lizzy went to walk away, another person grabbed her from behind, their forearm around her neck. Elizabeth struggled to get them off her.

Thinking on her feet, Elizabeth jabbed her elbow into the girls ribs causing her to loosen the grip on her neck. Quickly she slipped out of the second girls grip. Taking a deep breath she looked back, the girl stood back up ready to pounce. As soon as she came close enough Elizabeth grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind up behind her. Angily she shoved the girl into the locker next to her, putting her on the floor.

Standing up straight she awkwardly looked around at a small crowd that had formed, they all looked shocked at the events that had just occurred. Just as she turned to walk away someone shouted her name. As she turned around to see who it was, she heard a loud bang, felt a sharp pain on the side of her face, and then nothing.


Billy was walking out of the cafeteria when his path was blocked by a crowd of people. Sighing, he began to push his way through them, when he reached the front he was greeted by Elizabeth being held by her neck. Just as he was about to step in and stop her, Elizabeth got the girl off her neck and shoved her into the lockers. Billy smirked to himself -she can drink, drive and kick ass, what a girl. Watching as she awkwardly looked round he saw someone shoving through the crowd, she had a bloody nose and something in her hand. Once she reached the center, it was clear she had been apart of the fight. She was shaking and had blood smeared across her face, she was carrying a metal tray from the dinner hall. Billy shouted attempting to warn her about the person behind her but just as she turned around the girl swung the tray which hit Elizabeth in the side of her head.

She's Got a Way - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now