Chapter Six

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The sound of slamming doors and shouting downstairs was what Elizabeth was woken up by and she felt rough, her head was pounding and the noise downstairs wasn't helping. Looking at her watch the numbers read 5:30, she sighed knowing that two hours of sleep was not enough to sober her up fully. All she wanted to do was bury her head in her pillow and ignore the world but she couldn't. Sitting up, she swung her legs out of bed and pushed herself up, using the wall to keep her straight. Although outside, Elizabeth could still hear her aunt and uncle yelling at each other, the noise was drown out by the sound of the car starting up and driving away. Knowing that they had both gone to work for the day Liz decided that she would attempt to make herself feel better before school.

Tiredly, she jumped into the shower and turned the temperature down as far as she could bare to have it in an attempt to wake herself up slightly more. Washing her makeup off and the writing she had on her legs she recalled the events of last night, the drinking, the laughing, the drive home. Smiling to herself, she jumped out of the cold shower and slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top before brushing her teeth and heading downstairs to grab a glass of water in a hopes to flush the sickly feeling out of her stomach.

Heading back to her room, she pulled out her collection of cassettes and shoved 'Innocent Man' by Billy Joel in the cassette player and turning it up as loud as possible, placing the box next to her cassette player. Each note rattled the old speakers but Lizzy didn't mind as she danced around her room tidying up the mess she had made getting ready the night before. Once she had finished she began to rummage through her wardrobe looking for something to wear for school. She was happily bopping along to the music pulling out a couple of jumpers trying to decide witch one to wear.  She was pulled out of her own little world by a tap on her window. Spinning around she saw Billy smiling watching her, Lizzy placed her hands on her face trying to hide the fact her cheeks were growing increasingly more red. Smiling, she shook her head before opening the window allowing Billy to climb in. Walking over to her speakers she turned the music down slightly.

"Nice moves, princess." He purred, biting his lip, god he's hot. She laughed slightly rolling her eyes at his comment, "Even nicer laugh." he added. It was the first time he had heard Lizzy laugh and it made him smile more than he cared to admit. Quickly he shook it off, returning to his usual bad boy persona.

Billy sat down on the edge of her bed looking around her room, he didn't manage to see much of it the night before. It was rather plain with a couple of photos on the wall and on her desk. Elizabeth went back to looking through her wardrobe until she found something that she wanted to wear. Tapping Billy's shoulder grabbing his attention she smiled softly pointing to the door and then holding up her finger indicating that she would only be a moment. He nodded and Elizabeth disappeared out of the room.

When she walked back into her room wearing a white t-shirt tucked in her jeans with the jacket she was wearing last night on. Scanning her room she saw Billy looking at the photos on her desk, standing next to him Elizabeth place her hand on his arm. He looked at her smiling softly.

"Are these your parents?" He asked, pointing to a photo of her and two adults, she nodded smiling slightly. The photo he was looking at was the last trip that they ever took as a full family, it was a happy memory but it still made her sad, "do you miss them?" Billy questioned looking at Elizabeth, She nodded again biting the inside of her mouth. It wasn't just them she missed; it was the fact she couldn't recall a usually happy memory without the twinge of sadness in her chest. It was the fact that no matter how hard she wished she wouldn't be able to see her mum again, she wouldn't be able to hear her voice. All she had left were some photos and slowly fading memories. Not only did she miss her family, she missed the feeling of happiness she longed to return.

She's Got a Way - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now