Chapter Four

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Once the day had finished, Elizabeth waited outside the school for Dustin, he said that he would meet her so they could walk home together but he had forgotten the exchanged they had had earlier that day. She wasn't overly bothered, slightly annoyed but not really bothered. After coming to the conclusion that nobody was going to come she decided that she would just make her own way home, tying up her shoes slightly tighter and grabbing her bag straps she began to jog home. When she lived in the UK she would run most evenings so it really killed 2 birds with one stone. Once she got almost half way home she began to pick up the pace slightly cause she just wanted to get home and shower. It was peaceful, she could take in what her new town was like.

She was only a block away from her current house when she heard the familiar rumble of a V-8 engine, Elizabeth ignored it, knowing exactly who it belonged to and kept running. The blue car slowed down to her speed and the window rolled down.

"Hey sweetheart, where are you going in such a rush?" The driver asked, his voice low. Lizzy sighed and rolled her eyes before picking up her speed and trying to run faster than the car, she knew it was stupid but she hoped it would send him the correct message to leave her alone. Unfortunately her plan didn't work. She heard the gears shift and the car speed up to her. More annoyed than before Lizzy stopped and folded her arms, the car pulled over and Billy got out of the drivers side before lighting the cigarette in his mouth.

"You need a lift?" He asked, breathing out a large cloud of smoke, rolling her eyes yet again she shook her head and began to walk away from him. Billy stepped fully out of his car and slammed the door chasing after the young girl before grabbing her arm. She spun around and pulled her arm away from him, her eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. She grabbed a sheet of paper from her back pocket and her pen. Shoving the sheet of paper on his chest to use as a table, Elizabeth quickly scribbled down a note before passing it to him and walking off.

Taking the piece of paper her scanned his eyes over it; 'My house is barely a 5 minute walk from here, thank you for the offer but I am fine. I'll see you tonight.' He smiled slightly at the note before looking up and seeing the blonde girl had almost disappeared out of sight. He walked back to his car and got in, starting up the engine and driving up the road. Once he got close enough to Lizzy he slowed down and leaned over. She clenched her fists keeping her eyes to the ground.

"See you tonight, Elizabeth." He smiled before speeding off. The sound of him saying her name sent shivers down her spine. Once Billy's car was out of sight Lizzy carried on running until she got to her house. She rushed straight upstairs and dumped her bag in the corner of her room and flopped down on her bed rubbing her eyes slightly. From all the first days she had ever had, that one was definitely the strangest one.

Looking at her watch the number read 17:02. Tiredly she sat up from her bed and dragged herself to the bathroom to get another shower and wash her hair. It was her first party here and she wanted to make a good first impression. Wrapping herself in a towel she made her way back to her room. Pulling a small box out from under her bed she dug through it before pulling out a tape and shoving it into her cassette player. Music began to rattle the terrible speakers but Elizabeth bopped around her room looking for something to wear.

"Hey Lizzy, happy birthday." Her dad smiled passing her a small box. Excitedly she ripped off the paper and opened the box to find Billy Joel's new album, 52nd Street in it. Happy she threw her arms around her dad kissing his cheek before rushing over to the cassette player that he bought her for Christmas and placing her new album in it.

Lizzy dug through her closet pulling out a few outfits but she settled on a plain black romper and an over-sized bomber jacket. Once she had slipped into her outfit she sat on the floor in front of her mirror and brushed her damp hair out before pulling it back into two french plaits. Once her hair was done she pulled out a little bag of makeup. Keeping it very simple she just applied concealer, eyeliner with a little flick,mascara and lipgloss. Afters pulling a few baby hairs out to frame her face Elizabeth slipped on her trainers on, shoved a pen and paper in her pocket and turned off her music. 

She's Got a Way - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now