Chapter Eight

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The curtains barely did anything to keep the sun from peeking into the room, Elizabeth groaned quietly pulling the quilt up over her head, she had an awful headache. The bright light wasn’t helping her situation. A strong pair of arms were wrapped around her, holding her tightly, as if they were scared that she would be stolen from the bed at any second. Billy had his head buried in the crook of her neck, his breathing was slow and soft. Tiredly, Elizabeth went to rub her eyes but before she could touch her face, Billy grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.   

“Sleep.” He murmured tiredly, his voice was raspy and much deeper than usual. Elizabeth attempted to loosen his grip on her but it was almost impossible. Billy squinted slightly before opening his arms allowing Lizzy to move. “Where are you going?” he muttered his eyes struggling to stay open, Lizzy just turned over, placing her forehead against Billy’s chest and draping her arm over him. Smiling softly he pulled her closer, drawing small circles on her back until her breathing slowed back down and her arm relaxed over him. 

Elizabeth was woken yet again however not by sunlight this time. Quiet whispering filled the room. Opening her eyes slight she saw Billy whispering to his sister. His arm still securely around Lizzy, she smiled slightly before rubbing her eyes. As soon her hand touched her eye pain shot down her cheek causing her to tense slightly. Groaning in pain Lizzy heald the side of her face sinking into Billy’s side.
Moving his eyes form Max, Billy looked down at Elizabeth,softly he pushed her hand away from her face. She had a deep purple bruise down the side of her face, carefully he brushed some hair from her face before taking hold of her hand and tickling her palm with his thumb.

“Go back to sleep.” He said, his voice low and calm. Looking back to Max, he saw a small smile on her face making him roll his eyes, “We’ll be in later, probably 2nd period.” Billy said lowly, as to not stress Liz out. Max nodded before clicking the door shut. Elizabeth moved slightly closer to Billy who softly pressed a kiss on her forehead. Gently he pulled the blanket up over her before going back to tickling her hand.


“I’m telling you guys, something is different with him.” Max said grabbing her skateboard from her locker before turning back to the group of boys who were all looking at her. She got to school later than she had expected so hadn’t had a chance to tell the boys why.

“What do you mean?” Lucas asked, leaning against the locker next to her. Max’s rubbed her head trying to think, she had no idea how to word what she was thinking.

“He had a girl over,” Max started making Lucas scoff, she glared at him before continuing, “I know what it sounds like but it was different, like he looked at her like he cared instead of how he usually looks at girls. And like this morning, he was just laid there, hugging her. Usually he’s up and out.” She explained. The three boys exchanged looks before their eyes landed back on Max. 

“Who was it?” They asked. Max furrowed her brows slightly trying to remember the name. Sighing she shook her head slightly before closing her locker door.

“I don’t know, she’s new. I think it’s like Ella or something like that.” Max said rubbing her eyes slightly, “She has blonde hair and she’s really quiet and she had a massive bruise down the side of her face.” 

Dustin’s face dropped slightly and his stomach flipped. Elizabeth. Quickly he shoved passed the group and rushed out of the school. Scanning the parking lot, his eyes fell on the maroon BMW. Quickly he ran over to it, dragging Steve away from the small group of people he was talking to. 

“What the hell man?” Steve exclaimed angrily looking at Dustin, he looked around the group, they all looked worried but especially Dustin’s, “What have you done now?” He asked sighing. 

She's Got a Way - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now