Chapter Ten

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After a little while and a few slammed doors from down stairs Billy felt Elizabeth relax into his chest. Her breathing was slow and consistent, her arms had loosed from around his neck and she had stopped crying. Billy just laid there and took in the moment, her hair smells like strawberries which reminded him of his own mother, of California, of home. He understood better than anyone what it felt like to be homesick and feel completely alone in the world. After his mother had left Billy's mind when into a downward spiral and he was determined not  to let Elizabeth fall that low. 

As soon as Billy began to drift off to sleep the perfectly calm moment was ruined by panicked knocking at the front door. Elizabeth groaned sadly grabbing Billy's shirt, thinking that if they stayed still the knocking would go away but it didn't. Gently, Billy rolled Liz off his chest and onto the bed before getting up to see who was at the door. 

Swinging the door open he was greeted by the worried faces of Dustin and his friends, which included his little sister Max. Shaking his head Billy sighed and leaned on the door frame. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dustin half yelled, his face was slightly red and his eyes tired; he looked sad.

"I just am." Billy said, he was calm, not wanting to disturb Lizzy upstairs, "Why are you here?" He asked, folding his arms over his broad chest. 

"My Mom said uncle Rob died so I thought I'd come check on Lizzy." Dustin retorted, mimicking the older boys body language.

"What?" Billy asked his face painted with confusion. Max shook her head slightly at her dense brother. 

"They're cousins, Rob is her dad." Max explained. Billy stood first a second, everything made a little more sense now. Nodding slightly he gestured for them to come and sit down.

"Go sit, I'll see if she wants to come down." Billy muttered before disappearing up the stairs. Quietly he walked into Elizabeth's room and peered around the door, she lay staring at the ceiling. Sitting down next to her, Billy placed his hand on her arm, pulling her attention away from the ceiling. Her eyes were empty, there was no detectable emotion in her face. 

"It's Dustin," Billy whispered, he could see tears forming in her eyes, "do you want me to send him away?" He asked.

Elizabeth sat up slightly and shook her head, she knew that Dustin was probably upset and needed someone to talk to. Billy smiled softly brushing some hair from Liz's face before helping her to her feet. Sighing she looked over at the mess still on the floor before grabbing her notebook and pen from her bedside table. 

"You don't have to baby, I can ask them to come back later." Billy whispered placing his hand on the top of her arm. Shaking her head slightly Elizabeth forced a small smile onto her face. Sliding his hand down her arm, Billy took ahold of her hand. The two walked down the stairs to the front room, as soon as her eyes landed on Dustin she felt tears burning her eyes and she squeezed Billy's hand tighter. The younger boy stood up and gave her a hug, she let go of Billy's hand and hugged him back tightly, crying softly.  

"We'll leave you two to talk." She heard Max say softly indicating to the rest of the group it was time to go. Quietly, they left the house sitting outside waiting for Dustin. Billy disappeared back upstairs to clean the glass off her floor. 

Dustin and Elizabeth sat and 'spoke' for a while, she explained the bruise and the injured hand which he understood. Once they had finished talking Lizzy walked him to the door, she waved bye to his friends before clicking the door shut.

As soon as the door clicked shut she sunk to the floor, every pain in her body seemed amplified; her face, hand, heart, everything. It felt like they were beating her nervous system to a pulp.  She just wanted Billy, he was her neutral point throughout the chaos. Defeated by her own brain, Lizzy just tucked her knees to her chest and rested her head on them. No longer crying, just exhausted. Everything was overwhelming. One sentence changed her life forever, she had planned her entire life around the fact she thought her dad would get better; now he was gone everything had to change. 

She's Got a Way - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now