Chapter Five

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Excusing herself from the mass of people Lizzy disappeared back to the kitchen and filled her cup up, she could feel herself getting more drunk every second; her body swaying slightly as she chugged down the now luke warm liquid in her cup. Blinking a couple of times, she rubbed her temple before heading back to the main room, she looked around and couldn't see Steve or Nancy anywhere. Elizabeth began to panic slightly not being able to find the people she knew. Manically rushing around the room, weaving between increasingly drunk people looking for anyone she knew, until her eyes met the bright blue ones she had seen one too many times that evening. Standing there frozen she watched as he made his way over to her, she wanted to leave but she couldn't.

"In a rush, Doll-face?" he asked, teasingly. She could smell the smoke and alcohol on his breath. All Elizabeth wanted to do was reply with just as much mockery but she physically couldn't, she had managed to stress herself out more than she had planned. Billy frowned slightly when he realised she wasn't in any state to joke around. Quickly, he took her hand and dragged her to a quieter place, away from all the people.

"What's wrong?" he questioned, Elizabeth had never noticed how calming his voice was, scrunching her eyes shut she rubbed her forehead realising she was probably being stupid.

Opening her eyes, she looked at Billy. Instead of his usual harsh face it was soft, caring almost. Reaching into her pocket she grabbed her pen, routing around she looked for her paper but she had managed to lose it. Sighing, she sat down on the floor took the cap off her pen and began writing on her thighs. Billy sat down next to her, watching her scribble down words on her skin -It's dumb really I just couldn't find anyone that I knew and Steve ̶i̶s̶ was my ride so I panicked. I'm sorry.

Once she had finished she looked up at Billy who was reading what she had written, Lizzy had never properly looked at him, he was prettier than she thought; Chiseled jawline covered by a small amount of stubble; pink lips which spent most of the time curled up in a stupid smirk; pretty blue eyes which could stare into your soul. Once he had finished reading her leg he placed his hand on her thigh which made her shiver slightly.

"Look, chill out, I'll drive you home if you're stressing this much." He offered calmly, Lizzy smiled slightly, nodding, "But for now, let's drink." He smirked.

Elizabeth's smile grew wider. Billy stood up and held his and out, helping Lizzy to her feet. Without letting go of her hand he guided her back to the party. Weaving through the crowd the two of them ended up at a table with people playing beer pong, classic.

"You can do a decent keg stand, but how are you at beer pong?" Billy whispered to her, his voice made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Shrugging she shook her hand slightly trying show she was alright. It wasn't her weakest drinking game but definitely not her strongest. Standing at one side of the table while Billy stood at the other, the two of them took it in turns throwing ping-pong balls into the red cups on the ends of each table. By the end of it Lizzy was more drunk than she expected to be yet Billy barely seemed affected.

Looking at her watch and blinking a few times trying to focus on the numbers she was shocked to see they read 2:19. Panicking slightly she grabbed her jacket that she had dumped on the floor and ran out of the party. Just as she reached the curb she realised she had no Idea where she was. Pressing her palms to her temple she tried to get her head straight. She was pulled out of her trance by a warm hand around her waist guiding her away she didn't look around to see who it was she just watched the floor. When they reached the familiar blue Camero, Billy opened the passenger side door and helped her in. Closing the door he, he slid into the drivers side and started up the engine. Elizabeth looked over at him and smiled, her chest felt warm and her stomach flipped slightly as she studied his face. She watched him as he drove; his eye's stayed focused on the road except for when he was glancing in his mirrors. He was relaxed in his seat: one arm outstretched gently holding the steering wheel; the other resting on the center console, only moving when he had to change gears. Liz had never fully noticed how beautiful he actually was. 

"What are you looking at?" Billy asked, his voice deeper than usual. Glancing over at the very drunk girl in the passenger seat. She smiled slightly more before poking his arm making Billy chuckle softly. His laugh could make anyone go weak at the knees. It was like a warm cup of milky coffee on a cold winters morning. 

"Did you used to drink a lot when you lived in Britain?" He questioned. Billy wanted to get to the girl who was sat in his car. She was mysterious and he like that about her. 

Most people wouldn't make an effort to get to know Liz thinking it would be too difficult or not worth it in the long run so they would leave, so Billy's question caught her off guard.  Elizabeth's gaze dropped slightly before nodding. Since she had got to Hawkins she had attempted not to think too much about her home because it upset her. Yet Billy wanted to know more so he carried on asking questions

"Do you miss it there?" he said softly, Lizzy nodded again, "I understand, I miss California too. The place you grew up will always be your home. Having to leave it, will always suck."

Elizabeth looked back at the blue eyed boy, she could see the sadness in his eyes. He knew better than anyone the pain of having to uproot your entire life and move to somewhere you didn't want to. Leaving behind your friends, family, all the happy memories you created growing up. Softly she placed her hand on his leg, squeezing it reassuringly. Billy's hand slipped down the steering wheel and he placed it on top of Lizzy's, soft. She turned her hand over so their palms were touching and their fingers intertwined making Billy half smile, cute.

"Have you always been mute?" He asked, softly Elizabeth shook her head before holding up her other hand showing the amount of years she hadn't spoken for, "5 years? That's a long time of not talking." He commented. The longest he had been without talking was no more than 18 hours, and that was because he was asleep, he couldn't imagine not talking for five whole years.

"Did something happen to you?" He implored, trying not to intrude too much. All he wanted to do was get to know her, but he didn't want to scare her away by bombarding her with difficult questions. Lizzy shook her head slightly, looking out of the window, "Did you see something happen to someone else?" She nodded, clenching her jaw shut trying to fight away her emotions.

Looking over, he saw her eyes filling with tears so he decided not to press it anymore. The rest of the journey was quiet, not awkwardly quiet but comfortable. Billy pulled up outside Lizzy's house, she looked around and saw the red car in the driveway indicating that her Aunt and Uncle were still home. Elizabeth sighed rubbing her eyes no longer caring about her makeup, she had black rings under her eyes from her mascara anyway so she couldn't make it much worse.

"What's wrong?" Billy asked. Liz just pointed at the red car, understanding exactly what she meant he flashed a quick smile at her, he spent half of his life sneaking out of the place he lived, hoping not to get caught. The two of them got out of the car, Elizabeth took his hand and they ran to the side of the house. Looking around the corner, she quickly checked there were no lights were on. She looked back at Billy smiled before walking around the corner to the shed and pulling herself up and sitting on the roof of it. Coping her action Billy ended up sitting next to her, their shoulders touching. Smiling she looked down at her lap suddenly feeling quiet shy.

Looking back over at Billy she saw he had a smirk on his face which made her heart skip a beat. She felt her cheeks heat up a little making Billy smirk more, he loved it where she got flustered, she just couldn't hide it. Leaning over she kissed his cheek before standing up and opening her window and climbing up into her room. Once she had her feet firmly planted on her bedroom floor, she threw her jacket onto her bed. Turning back around, Elizabeth looked at Billy who was stood leaning on her window frame. She gestured for him to come in, as soon as she did he jumped up and climbed into her room. Standing in front of her they were almost touching, he smiled biting his tongue slightly, Lizzy smiling back shyly. Her heart was pounding against her chest so hard it almost hurt.

"How about tomorrow I pick you up for school?" he whispered, placing his hand on the top of Elizabeth's arm, his hands were soft. She closed her eyes slightly, the alcohol making her a little dizzy, she nodded. 

The sheer amount of alcohol that she had consumed had began to get to her. Billy felt her lean slightly into the hand he had placed on her shoulder, he grabbed the other arm steadying her, Lizzy smiled slightly holding onto his arm -big muscles. Carefully Billy lead Liz towards her bed and laid her down before covering her over with a blanket. 

"I'll see you in the morning Elizabeth." He whispered, not knowing if she had even heard. Quietly he jumped back on the shed roof, closed her window to and going back home. 

She's Got a Way - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now