Brave princess

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EDITED (this chapter is ready to read)
The food is finally found and there's order in the camp, but then Bellamy Blake comes back and things start to go downwards.

Clarke's POV:
I walk over to the mysterious guy I was speaking to earlier. "Princess, what could you possibly want to do with me now"
"my names clarke and I need your help" "Clarke...nice, the names Bellamy"
"well Bellamy I need your help, jaha told us to go to mount weather as that's where all the supplies are but we landed on the other side, and I think we should all go"
"we are on the ground now princess we don't need to follow the rules because there are no rules"
"yes but what happens when we run out of supplies and everyone staves"
"that's not going to happenis it now princess, we set up camp here and go hunting tomorrow, but we are not going to mount weather" I walk away and look at the map again trying to see the quickest root possible, but it's a two day journey and it seemed impossible so I put my map in my pocket and start setting up a tent for the night.

Bellamy's POV:
I am not going to mount weather, not even In a million years. We are on the ground we can do whatever we want so I don't know why she wanted to follow the rules, maybe because she's a privileged. We had it hard back on the ark and they had it easy so why should we listen to them now. I set up mine and Octavia tent. I open up the tent and lay in bed trying to get sleep. I've got a long day tomorrow it's the first official day on earth and a group of us are going hunting for food to bring back to the camp. I close my eyes and drift of to sleep.

Clarke's POV:
It's the morning now and I could hear the bird singing, I got so little sleep last night all that was on my mind was mount weather and whether or not we should go. I got up out of my bed and headed to the camp. The hunting squad was already up, ready to leave for there first hunt, many kids were up watching them leave hoping they'd come back with food. I wanted to go with them but Bellamy was leaving too and someone had to look after the camp. The hunters went into the woods, I gathered everyone around the fire pit, setting jobs up for everyone to do. "Octavia, Charlotte go collect water" "wells and Sam go collect fire wood" "John and liz go make sure all the tents are up properly" each and every single one of them listen no argument nothing, finally there was order and peace in the camp. But little did I know that wasn't going to last long.

Bellamy's POV:
We had been hunting for an hour and nothing, we couldn't find anything it's like all the animals disappeared and they was never actually any on earth. "How much longer do we have to do this we've been doing this for hours and haven't found anything" miller said. "Just wait, we are in a woods there's got to be something near, patience is key" in the distance I saw something it looked like a deer, well that's what the books on the ark told me, I took my bow and arrow and pointed it at the creature. I shot it. "Yessss finally" all the hunters shouted as soon as the arrow hit the animal, we all started running towards it. the animal was huge, big enough to feed all 100 of us I was so Proud of myself I caught this animal and I was going to take it back to the camp and feed everyone. Miller and I both grabbed either ends of the animal as we carried it back to the camp. as soon as we entered the camp All the camp mates where cheering and clapping as they saw the creature on are shoulders.

Clarke's POV:
I was sitting in my tent and all I heard was clapping and cheering, I smiled knowing that they had caught something, they finally found food to feed us all and in that moment I felt hope and I knew everything was going to be fine, I walk out the tent to see Bellamy holding a massive deer, and started to cook it, the thing is I never doubted him I knew he could do it. As soon as the deer was cooked Bellamy started handing out the deer but only if people took there wrist bands off. "Bellamy" I shouted from across the camp as I stormed towards him everyone eyes piercing the back of my head. "What are you doing!"
"Feeding the camps mates what else does it look like"
"your making them take off there wrist bands, the only piece of device telling the ark that we are alive"
"princess that means nothing to me" Bellamy carried on handing out deer. I grabbed a piece of deer out of Bellamy's hands as he grabs my wrist, "take it off or I'll cut it off" I stare him in the eyes and say "the only way the ark is going to know if I'm dead is if I'm actually dead, now I'm keeping the wrist band on and taking my deer" I pulled my wrist out of his grasp and walked away "brave princess" he replied as I walked off smiling.

Bellamy's POV:
Taking the wrist band off is the only way the ark won't come down to earth, if they think we are dying they won't risk coming down here. So the only way is I trade the band for food, and
Surprisingly is worked people where actually taking off there bands. Until Clarke come over what a brave princess, she doesn't care what I say or do but she embarrassed me infront of everyone making me look weak and I do not like that. "Oh Princess you got another thing coming"

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