She Is

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EDITED (chapter is ready to read)
Octavia comes wondering back into camp. But Bellamy's goes crazy without Clarke.

Octavia's POV:
I skip back into camp, I've been lost in the bloody woods for two days and I had finally found my way back. I look around and call for Bellamy. "Bellamy" no answer "Bellamy I'm back are you here?"

Bellamy's POV:
As soon as I heard Octavia's voice I ran straight out of the tent, I pick her up and spin her around. "I've missed you so much O, where have you been"
"I was lost in the woods big bro"
"We looked for you but we couldn't find you"
"We" Octavia gave me a curious look, she didn't know about Clarke and Im so glad I get to tell O about Clarke, she going to love Her.
"Bellamy, what do you mean by we?"
"Clarke and I, oh O I have so much to tell you about her she's great". I shoot her a big smile and we walk back into my tent.
"So Bellamy are you going to tell me about Clarke" I start to blush thinking about all the moments I've had with Clarke
"She's wonderful, beautiful, nice, caring and selfless you'll love her I can't wait for you to meet her"
"Well there's something I'd never thought I'd see" "my dear older brother is in love"
"Oh shut up Octavia" I push her shoulder and we both start laughing.
"So when can I meet her?"
"Now if you want let me go get her" i stand up and head to Clarke's tent. "Clarke I have someone who wants to meet you" saaying with a big grin across my face i was so happy i have my two girls,I push open the tent door and look around my face dropped as i realised she wasn't here i turn around scanning the camp to see her but nothing "Clarke?" i shouted.
"Has anyone seen Clarke"
I ran around the camp searching every place possible but she was no where to be seen.
"Bellamy, I saw her leave camp earlier" said one of the camp mates.
i walk out of camp and all i could think of was The lake, i started running towards the lake and didn't stop till I got there. "Clarke, are you here?" I was starting to get worried, where could she be? She's never gone of before, why now? I walk towards the lake when I see something shiny red in the distance I picked up the pace and kneeled down beside it. It was blood, all I could think about was someone hurting Clarke as I broke down and fell to the ground i was tired why is all of this happening to us. I just got her and now I've lost her. I couldn't believe was happening.

Clarke's POV:
I wake up with a banging headache and tide up to a chair, I try and pull on the rope but Nothing happened I called but all that answered with the echo of my own voice. "Clarke Griffin, we've heard a lot about you" I pull trying to reach for them, they was standing in-front of me there hair was a mess and there was paint all over them. Who are these people and why do they want me? "what do you want? Why am I here?" "I haven't done anything so why am I here" I couldn't control my anger and I couldn't stop screaming "stop screaming clarke we don't want you we want your parents"

Bellamy POV:
I headed back to camp to collect my team.
"I need 5 guys and six guns NOW!"
well had came running up towards me "bellamy whats wrong"
"What's wrong, what's wrong. Well ill tell you whats wrong Clarke is missing and I need to find her now!"
"Clarke's missing where is she?"
"If I knew that wells I wouldn't be here would I"
"Alright Bellamy, calm down"
I push wells and point my gun at him "never tell me to calm down again wells or I swear"
"She must be very important to you"
"She is"
I grabbed the guns and my men and headed back into the forest and I wasn't leaving until we found Clarke.
We come across a cave "stay here" I walk down the cave it was dark i turned the corner screams filled my ears i looked to my right and It was Clarke tied to a chair, I quickly run over to her "Bellamy?" I wipe the strand of hair out of her face "yes princess it me I've got you" I untie Clarke and I pick her up in a fireman's carry. I carry her all the back to the camp and place her down on my bed, she falls asleep as I watch her I never want to leave her side, i cant lose her again.

Sorry for the short chapter. Chapter 10 fine your forgiven: coming soon
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