Your gonna be fine

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(EDITED) this chapter is ready to read

Bellamy's POV:
miller had grabbed Clarke and pointed a gun at her. "Miller get away from her now" I shouted "I swear if you hurt her or the baby I will kill you" my blood started to boil why was miller doing this.
"You left me, you all forgot about me. I done everything around the camp and you treated me like rubbish. And now I'm here and I'm happy they care for me they spend time with me and your gonna kill them all" repiled miller
"We are doing it save our people" I slowly walk towards miller with my hand out in front of me "miller I don't want to hurt you, so just let Clarke go" "No, stay back" he pulled the gun at me and grabbed Clarke tighter around the neck.

Clarke's POV:
Miller had grabbed me around the neck and tightly squeezed. I couldnt breathe i started kicking around trying to break free, but I couldn't. Bellamy came running towards us and in that single moemnt a fun shot went off, miller had shot bellamy in the leg "stay back" screamed miller "Bellamy" I say as everything starts to fade to darkness. BANG.

Bellamy's POV:
I see Clarke struggling to breathe and without a second thought i ran towards her but before i could reach her miller shoots me in the leg and I fall down onto the floor, I was useless that's when I heard a gun shot I look around and it was Murphy pointing the gun i look back to miller he was laying on the floor.

Murphys POV:
I heard scream and shouts from the distance as I start running following the sound of the screams. "Clarke is that you" as i entered the room, Bellamy was laying on the ground with gun wound on his leg I look up to see miller strangling Clarke with a gun pointed at her. "Miller you don't want to do this"
"Give me one reason not Murphy"
I pull my gun out of my trousers and shoot miller, he instantly lets go of Clarke as she falls to the floor I run towards her catching her from the fall. "Your okay Clarke, everything going to be okay, your gonna be fine" trying to reassure her.
I place Clarke down on the floor gently and walk over to miller looking over him "may we meet again" i turn my head and press the trigger. I placed clarke in my arms and jasper had hold of Bellamy.

Monty POV:
I pull the lever opening up every single door in this mounting. I look at the cameras watching every man suffer. They did nothing to us we had no choice. "It was my people or theres" I log everything off and walk out the doors with the rest of the 100. I stopped to look back "May we meet again"

Bellamy's POV:
Someone had stitched my wounds up I don't know who but I know I was grateful. Every night I would lay by clarkes side, she hasn't woken up in 2 days and I'm starting to worry if her and the baby are okay. Everybody keeps telling me it's going to be okay, but I don't feel okay, I just want Clarke back in my arms. "Hey princess, I don't know why I do this every night. I don't know if you can hear me I hope you can't because I sound stupid. I miss you. I miss you so much" tears start rolling down my cheek. "I miss being bossed around especially by you, I miss you being in my arms and giving you kissing, Octavia missing you, everybody missing you. So wake up please Clarke I need you, we all need you"

Clarke's POV:
I could hear Bellamy's words echoing through my head, but I couldn't wake up as much as I tried. 'Bellamy kissed Clarke'
I felt Bellamy's warm lips touching mine and I started to wake up. I open my eyes and he was standing above my I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in close, i burry my head into his shoulder oh how much ive missed his smell

Bellamy's POV:
I kiss Clarke and she wakes. A true loves kiss always works. Which means I loved Clarke and she loved me. Joy over took my body and I couldn't stop smiling. "Oh how I've missed you princess" "every night I sat by your side, talking to you" Clarke's holds my hands and looks at me "I know I heard. I kissed her again, I was so in love with this girl and I wanted her to be mine.
*one week later*
It had been a week and Clarke was doing a lot better, she walking and bossing me around which I loved. I walk up to Octavia "hey O I need your help, I'm going to ask Clarke to be my girlfriend Today" octavia's hugs Bellamy "finally bro I was waiting for you to do that" they both start laughing over octavias comment.

Clarkes POV:
Bellamy had came walking into my room. "Hey princess I want to show you something" He grabs my hand and leads the way "Bellamy where are we going?" I ask
"Just wait and see Clarke"
Bellamy had covered my eyes with his hands so I couldn't see where we was or were we was going. Finally we stopped as he takes his hands away from my eyes and places them into mine. i look around confused as its an empty field "Bellamy what is this?"

Bellamy's POV:
I had taken Clarke to the woods about 20 minutes away from the camp. I wanted space away from the others so we could have time alone. I cover her eyes as we nearly reach the destination. I finally take my hands away from Clarke's eyes and she looks around confused "Bellamy what are we going to do in this field.i face toawards her with her hands in mine "Clarke Griffin, from the moment I met you I knew you was going to be trouble but you was never trouble, trouble followed you around every where you went. I know we've had a rough time down on this earth but I want to make it up to you. I want to start fresh together" I point to the field in front "Clarke this is where I want to build our home. Me you and the baby. We can start a family, finally have the happy ending we deserve. I want to spend every minute of everyday with you. I want to be there when your down and for your highs. You make me happy Clarke and I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I look at Clarke waiting for an answer.
"Yes of course I will Bellamy" she cups her hand over my face and pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you so much Bellamy, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Your my family now. You me and the baby"

The story will be continued, there journey has only just started. Chapter 15 will be out soon. Remember to vote and comment what you think :)

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