Mount weather

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EDITED (chapter is ready to read)
The camp is under attack.

Bellamy's POV:
Clarke and I rush out of the tent to see what was going on. We was under attack I stood in-front of Clarke and grabbed my gun shooting as many imposter as possible. I needed to protect Clarke I couldn't lose her again. "Clarke run take cover"
"Bellamy I'm not leaving you"
"Clarke leave now" Clarke gives me a kiss as I watch her run of into the woods.
Something or someone whacked me on the back of my head and I fell onto the ground I watch Clarke run of into the distance knowing that she was going to be safe I smile, then everything turns black.

Clarke's POV:
I ran straight to the lake knowing if Bellamy did make it out then he would come straight here.
*3 hours later*
Bellamy hasn't come yet and I started to get worried so i head back to camp. I ran back to camp but it was empty no one was left. Every single person was gone. my whloe body collapsed and i fell onto the floor i placed my head in my heads, I couldn't stop crying I lost them all. Some great leader I am.

*there has been a time jump by 3 months later, the 100 still hasn't been found and Clarke's alone trying to survive*

Bellamy's POV:
It's been 3 months, 3 months without seeing Clarke I miss her so much. The 100 had been taken to mount weather, Clarke spoke about this place but I paid no attention to her I wish I did. The thing is this place isn't even that bad, they give us clean clothes and food every day but all I could think of was Clarke. I had found a map of this place a couple weeks back and I look at it everyday hoping it would change, there was so exits no way of getting out, but that's impossible. "Monty I need your help of getting out of here"
"But Bellamy, why would you want to leave this place"
"Because of Clarke monty, she's out there all alone and I just want to be with her"
"I can help you but" Bellamy cut of monty words.
"Yes do it please I'll do anything just get me out of this place"

Wells POV:
"How are you Sam"
"I'm great thank you"
The camp was under attack 3 months ago and I ran of with Sam. In the last 3 months me and Sam have became closer and the 100 never came back to the camp so we made a new camp a new home. Sam was lovely I had never met anyone like Sam before she was different, every night she tells me story's of her journeys down on earth, there's so much history we had no clue about and I always wanted to know more.

Octavia POV:
I had been taken to mount weather with rest of the 100 and I loved it everybody here was lovely and so kind. Bellamy hated it here he felt all alone and he just wanted to be with Clarke, he's so in love with her, one day I want to feel that kind of love. Bellamy and I shar a room I didn't want him to leave my side I felt safe with him but ever night he cried himself to sleep thinking about Clarke all alone on the outside. He wishes he never told her to run and they'll be here together happy.
One morning I was walking to the dining hall going to get myself some breakfast when I walked into someone, he turns around and gives me the evils, I look up at him he was tall dark and handsome. "Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there"
"No it's fine no one was hurt" he had a deep voice and I laugh, he gives me a confused look.
"Octavia my names octavia what's yours?"
"Octavia what a pretty name I'm Lincoln" I reach my hand to shake his and he does the same we hold on for a few second while staring deeply into each other's eyes. I shake my head thinking about why I actually came her for "wel I've got to go now, maybe I'll see you later"
"Maybe" he reply's with as we both walk of I turn around admiring this tall guy I had just met.

Bellamy's POV:
" I want to speak to the leader of this place now" Bellamy scanned the room waiting for an answer.
" I am" an old fragile man stood up from his seat and walked towards Bellamy. "Follow me" Bellamy followed as he lead him to his office. "Take a seat" "what can I help you with?"
"I need to leave this place now"
"And why would you want to do that?"
"Clarke's, she out there all alone, I have to be with her"
"Oh so Clarke must be your girlfriend" I freeze at the word girlfriend Clarke wasn't my girlfriend but I know as soon as I leave this place I was going to ask her to be.
"I just need to leave this place now"
"I'm sorry I can't let that happen"
"Why not?" I stand up and bash the table shouting those words at him.
"Bellamy, calm down I will send my men out to found Clarke and we will bring her back here to you, is that okay?"
"Thank you" I leave the room praying that his men will find Clarke and if they didn't I don't know what I'd do.

Clarke's POV:
I missed Bellamy so much every night, day morning all I could think about was him. For the past 3 months I've been wondering around trying to survive hoping that one day I'll be in Bellamy's arms again. I heard a stick break. I freeze "Bellamy is that you"
"Put your hands up" there was men surrounding all around me pointing guns at me who where these people are they the same people that took Bellamy I don't know.
I place my hand on my stomach and shout

"Don't shoot I'm pregnant"

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