The other side

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(EDITED) this chapter is ready to read
One year later

Abby's POV:
It's been a year from now and I've been doing test on the earths atmosphere and ground. And a radioactive wave should be hitting earth in less then a week. I gather everybody around to tell them the news.

Clarke's POV:
I grab auroras hand and Bellamy gets Jake. Abby has called us all in for a meeting and we have no clue what it's about. Everybody gathers around the fire pit as I take Bellamy's hand squeezing it tight. "Earth will be destroyed in under a week" I look at Bellamy and give him a shocked look. Panic surrounded the camp as everybody grabbed there kids and hugged them tightly. "We have no idea what to do or how to survive this" Abby says.
"Octavia take the kids out of here" Bellamy says giving Jake to o as I put aurora down. They headed of into the woods to play.
"Mum, what do you mean, what are you talking about?"
"Hunny I've been testing and researching for a year now I know what I'm talking about. Earth will be destroyed in under a week"
"So what are we going to do about it?"

Bellamy's POV:
"I have an idea, well the bunker that me and Clarke went to maybe that can keep everybody safe, or mount weather, maybe we can send people up to space"
"That's a great idea Bellamy" Abby said while taking out her map and pointing the directions to each of the destinations.
I needed to find a safe space from Clarke, Octavia and the kids. I needed to know my family will be safe and I'm not going to stop until there is.
"Okay everybody pack there bags and start heading to mount weather" Abby shouted as everybody rushed back to their homes and packed there stuff.
I grabbed Clarke's hand and shouted for Octavia and the kids, heading back to the house.

Clarke's POV:
Bellamy was in a rush. He dragged me home and started packing as quickly as possible I understand him he just wanted us to be safe I headed to the kids rooms and start packing there bags. Toothbrush, clothes, hair brush etc. I place everything in their bags and place it I've ray shoulder . I head back into my room and start packing my bags. Mount weather was a 3 day walk so we packed lots of food and water. "Bellamy slow down we'll be fine"
"How do you know that Clarke! You don't we have under a week and I need to protect you all"
Bellamy grabs the bags and place them over his shoulder.

Bellamy's POV:
I quickly packed the bags and headed downstairs I picked up Jake as Clarke took auroras hand. We needed to hurry to mount weather otherwise we wasn't going to make it. We started walking as Octavia walked in-front.
We had walked for 5 hours straight and it started to get dark so we stopped, we set up the tent and Octavia and the kids fell asleep instantly. I leaned against the tree looking up at the sky as Clarke comes over and lays next to me placing her head on me.
"How long do you think we'll be in mount weather before it's safe enough to go outside?" Bellamy asked Clarke knowing she's the smartest one out of the two.
"I don't know Bellamy. All I know it's going to be a very long time"
Clarke's and I fall asleep under the stars shining so bright.

Clarke's POV:
I wake up to see Bellamy, Octavia and the kids had already gotten up and packed the tents away. I got up and we headed straight towards mount weather. "Mummy how comes we have to go to this place, what's it called again... oh wait mount weather?" Aurora asked.
"Because sweetie it's going to be our new home for the time being"
"But why I liked our house"
"It's just is sweetie and you might like this place better you never know"
I hold Bellamy's hand as we carry on walking till dark. We set up camp again and went to bed.

Bellamy's POV:
I struggled to sleep last night. Today we was going to reach mount weather and that's when I know my family will be safe and that's when I can finally relax. I wake everyone so we can carry on making our way to mount weather. I could see it in the distance it was so close, we are so close. That's when a loud crash went off in the background. We turn around to see a giant cloud of ash. I grab Jake and place him on my back as we all started running faster towards mount weather. As we got to the door I counted. Clarke, Jake, Octavia. I look around "where aurora?" She wasn't there. But the door was shutting. "Daddy" I look forward and it was aurora she was laying on the floor crying, the door was slowly shutting in-front of my eyes as I run out the door. I picked her up and ran back, but we wasn't going to make it so I chucked her under the door as it shut right before my eyes. Leaving me on the other side of it. I turn around to see the massive cloud of smoke getting closer every second I run trying to look for safety.

Clarke's POV:
"Bellamy" "Bellamy" I shouted bashing the door "open this door now!"
"We can't Clarke it's too late"
I fall down on the floor as tears stroll down my face, he's out there alone and I don't know whether he's alive or not. He was protecting us but who was protecting him.

Next chapter coming soon :)

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