Chapter 19

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Caleb P.O.V.

I grabbed my phone and keys and left my office for the night. It was around seven thirty and I was heading home now.

All the new employees I'd hired were starting tonight including the new manager.

I opened the door and walked outside and heard shouting.

"TELL ME! TELL ME WHO THE FUCK HE IS ANGELA!" I heard a male voice shouting.

I walked out to the back parking lot and saw Angela being held down on the hood of her car as Jeremy was choking her.


Jeremy released the hold he had around Angela's neck and allowed her a second to speak.

"Fuck you! You'll never see our daughter or me again Jeremy!" Angela shouted in his face.

Jeremy grabbed a fist full of Angela's hair and gripped her up.

He threw her face down on the ground and kicked her in the stomach.

"BITCH WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO!" Jeremy shouted full of rage.

"HEY!" I shouted as I approached them.

"Stay out of this man! This is between me and my bitch," Jeremy said as he kicked Angela again.

"STOP!" I demanded as I quickly ran between them.

I pushed Jeremy back getting him away from Angela.

"Angela are you ok?" I asked as I bent down towards her.

"She's fine! Stupid bitch wants to dump me and take my child like she got options! Ho I am your only option," Jeremy said.

I stood up and got right in Jeremy's face.

"Are you here to work?" I asked.

"No. I'm here to check my bitch," Jeremy said.

"Well regardless you're fired now," I said.

"Really? On what grounds?" Jeremy asked.

"On the grounds of I won't have one of my bartenders beating up one of my bottle girls on my property," I said.

"But I'm not on the clock," Jeremy argued.

"Doesn't matter. It's my club so it's my decision. Now leave or I can call the cops and have you arrested for assault!" I threatened.

"Whatever! Fuck this! I don't need this shitty ass job anyway! My mixtape is done and once it drops I'll be getting calls from all the major record labels wanting to sign me! It's your loss Angela! You'll regret leaving me once I'm living large," Jeremy said.

Jeremy walked off and got into his car then sped off.

He didn't even care that he just beat the mother of his child like she was nothing.

I saw Angela bruised and beaten and laying there helpless.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her back into the club.

I took her into my office and laid her down on the couch.

I grabbed a towel and quickly went to the bathroom to wet it.

I ran back into my office and started gently cleaning up the blood dripping from Angela's nose and lips.

Angela winced as I cleaned up the blood.

"I'm sorry," I said.

I got her face cleaned up and saw her holding her stomach in pain.

"Do you want to call the cops? Should I get you to the hospital?" I asked.

"No... Just leave it alone. I'm already embarrassed enough. The last thing I want is to go to the cops or hospital looking like a fucking statistic. A black woman bruised and beaten by her ex..." Angela said as she tried to get up.

"Where are you going? You're hurt," I said.

"I have to work... I need the money," Angela said.

"Angela there is no way I'm going to make you go work after what just happened. I'm taking you back to the hotel," I said.

"Are you going to drive me? I don't think I can really drive right now," she said weakly.

"Of course. Come here," I said as I picked her up again.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as I carried her out of my office.

I carried Angela outside and to my car.

I opened the passenger side door and put her inside.

I closed the door then got in on the driver's side.

"Thank you Caleb... I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come out when you did," Angela said in tears.

"Shh. It's ok. You're safe now," I said as I brushed her hair back and wiped her tears away.

Angela leaned into my touch and I felt so bad for her. The girl was hurting and I didn't just mean physically. I could tell she was emotional beaten up too by what Jeremy had just done.

I drove Angela back to the hotel and when I got there I carried her up to her suite.

When we got to her suite I used the key card to get into the room.

I went to the bedroom and sat her on the bed.

"Could you run me a bath?" Angela asked.

"Sure," I said.

I went into the bathroom and ran her a bubble bath.

Once the bath was ran I went back into the bedroom.

"Can you make it to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Yeah but I might need some help getting out of these clothes," she said.

"Angela... I... I can't help with that... you know why," I said.

"I get it. Thanks for your help..." Angela said as she stood up weakly.

She limped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

I felt horrible. I want to help her but I also know there is a fine line I can't cross with her.

I mean I could help her. It wouldn't be on some sexual shit it would be me just helping her out because she's injured.

Hell she needs help and I'm grown enough not to let this be awkward.

"Angela I'm sorry I'll-"

I opened the door and walked in but stopped mid way.

Angela turned around slowly and she was fully naked.

"Oh Fuck! Shit I'm sorry!" I said quickly as I turned around so I wasn't facing her.

I heard footsteps and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's fine Caleb... I'm in the tub now," Angela said.

"I'll just be out here... call me if you need me," I said as I quickly walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind me.

Once I closed the door I walked over and sat on the bed.

This wasn't good.

I ran my hand over my face then ran my hand through my hair.

I just saw Angela and all her naked glory.

It was on accident but still it wasn't anything I was prepared for. 

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