Chapter 26

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"Now officially starts Zoey's bachelorette weekend!" Serena exclaimed as we all boarded the private plane.

The weekend after going to Atlanta for the charity gala was my planned bachelorette weekend.

This weekend had been planned for a couple months.

I didn't have the heart to cancel it because my friends were so excited and well I did want a girl's trip.

But I knew I had to tell the girls this was no longer a bachelorette party weekend but just a girl's trip weekend instead.

I took my seat as Cheyenne sat down right beside me.

The last time I went to Vegas Caleb got me pregnant and that is how we ended up with our baby boy Mason.

I knew this trip wouldn't end the same way since he was in Chicago watching the kids all alone this weekend.

The girls and I were going to be staying in a penthouse suite and we were going to do a lot of letting loose.

But of course I did have the hook up to get VIP at Caleb's club out here.

Caleb's club out in Vegas was doing well considering what had happened in the past with the drug raid and Asher's shady dealings.

But Caleb now had a staff of loyal and trustworthy employees.

Serena popped a bottle of champagne and poured all us ladies glasses.

She had all us ladies hold our glasses up for a toast.

"Zoey you are a great mother and soon to be wife! This weekend is for you to have you finale girl's trip as a single woman. So drink up and let loose! Lets do this bitches!" Serena said as we all clicked glasses.

I took a sip then decided I needed to come clean to the women before we got to Vegas.

"I have something I need to tell you ladies," I said.

Cheyenne already knew the deal between Caleb and I. She knew the wedding was off and why.

She's my cousin my ride or die. We tell each other everything.

"So before we get to Vegas I need to tell you all something," I said.

The ladies were all ears.

"Caleb and I have called the wedding off. This was a joint decision and I hope you all can be supportive of me during this. While this weekend is no longer considered a bachelorette party weekend. I still want us to have a great girls trip," I said.

"Oh hell he cheated didn't he!" Serena accused.

"No he didn't cheat and I'd like to leave it at that," I said.

"If he didn't cheat why call off the wedding? Zoey we're your girls you can trust us with all the tea," Serena said.

"My cousin said she didn't want to go into detail so drop it," Cheyenne said sticking up for me.

Serena shut up and just sipped on her champagne. The other ladies seemed to understand my position and were respecting my privacy.

The flight to Vegas was good and we had light conversation. I knew we were going clubbing tonight and then tomorrow we had a spa day planned.

We'd need to have a way to recover from tonight's festivities.

When we arrived in Vegas the plane landed and a driver drove us to the hotel.

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