Chapter 21

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Caleb P.O.V.

I knocked on the door as I stood outside of Angela's hotel suite.

I can't go on like this. I felt so guilty last night as I made love to Zoey then as I held her when we went to sleep.

I hadn't even cheated but felt like I did.

I had to get this feeling to end.

The door opened and Angela stood in front of me in a tank top and short shorts.

"Hey Caleb," she said with a smile.

"Hey... can I come in... we need to talk," I said.

"Sure," she said as she moved back and let me into the hotel suite.

Angela and I walked over to the couch. She sat down and I stayed standing.

"You can sit if you want," Angela said.

"Angela I have to fire you again," I said rushed.

"What? Why? I didn't do anything inappropriate... Caleb if this is about last night-"

"Angela I know you did nothing wrong this time. It was all me. I should have knocked... I shouldn't have just walked in on you like that. But nonetheless the moment was inappropriate," I clarified.

"Caleb I can keep it professional," Angela said.

"Angela I can't risk us having any more accidental inappropriate moments. I'm a man and I only have so much restraint," I admitted.

"So you're saying you're firing me because you don't know if you will be able to keep it professional now that you've seen me naked?" Angela asked as she stood up.

"Angela I'm getting married and Zoey and I have been through too much shit for me to go fuck it all up again. Trust me this is for the best... for both of us," I said.

"Caleb I need my job! I have to support me and my child!" Angela argued.

"I'll give you twenty grand to just let me fire you... but also to never speak a word of what happened last night to Zoey," I offered.

"Damn my silence is worth that much? She must really not trust you..." Angela said shocked.

"It's a win win situation for the both of us. You have enough money to leave town if you want... and my life doesn't fall completely apart," I said.

"If you're willing to pay this much and you haven't even screwed me this must mean Zoey's at the end of her rope with you..." Angela said.

"Look I don't want to chance it... so just take the money and keep your mouth shut alright," I said.

"No... if you want to fire me once again and keep me out of your hair my silence is worth way more since I know it can turn your whole life upside down if I say one word," Angela said.

"I'm not offering you a penny more," I said sternly.

"Make it a hundred grand or I tell Zoey a more embellished story of the events that took place here last night. All she has to hear is that I was naked and I think you can forget about hearing any wedding bells," Angela threatened.

"I can't just give you that kind of money!" I argued.

"Then I guess I'll be making a little phone call... or shall I make a house visit," Angela said toying with me.

"Hell this is so fucked up! I might as well have fucked you if you're going to be this much trouble," I said frustrated.

"You still can," Angela said as she closed the space between us.

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