Chapter 61

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"Kids stop all that running around the pool!" I warned.

I was outside in my backyard with my kids, Serena's son, and Katie's daughter. Serena and Katie came over with their kids for a little play date. Leslie couldn't make it because she was out of town with her kids for the weekend. Her husband had an away game and she decided to take the kids to see him play.

Caleb was in Miami but was set to come back in the next couple days.

So to pass the time I was enjoying girl time while the kids all enjoyed playing together.

"Cecilia's swimsuit is so cute," Katie said.

"Thanks. I just got it for her," I smiled.

I saw Serena on her phone texting not really paying much attention to the conversation.

I know with her calling off her engagement she was going through a lot.

"What do you think of a match maker?" Katie asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"I don't know I've just been toying with the idea of having a match maker set me up. It could be fun don't you think?" Katie said.

"It could also be dangerous. What if you get matched with a crazy man," I laughed.

"Come on I wouldn't get matched with some crazy person if I use a match maker. It's dating online that is dangerous," Katie argued.

"I say if you're ready then go for it but be careful," I warned.

Serena's phone rang and she got up quickly.

"I have to take this," she said as she went back inside my house.

"Is everything ok with her? I mean she's been acting a little weird lately," Katie said.

"I think it's something to do with her fiancé... or shall I say ex fiancé. She told me she called off the engagement," Katie said.

"Are you sure it's her that called off the engagement?" Katie said skeptical.

"Yeah... why?" I questioned.

"I don't want to gossip but Serena has been having a little fun on the side," Katie said.

"What?" I questioned confused.

"Don't tell her I told you but one afternoon I went over to her place and she answered the door in a robe she barely had wrapped around her naked body. I opened the front door slightly and I saw a trail of clothes leading up the stairs. Now I would have just thought I caught her and her fiancé at a bad time but I looked behind her and standing up at the landing was a guy who wasn't her fiancé," Katie revealed.

"What? Really? Do you know who the guy was?" I asked.

"No I'd never met him before but I do remember seeing him at the engagement party... he was the guy chatting you up before Caleb arrived. I actually saw when Serena introduced you two... I found it a bit weird she'd try to hook you up with her booty call," Katie recalled.

That was odd...

Serena and Stewart had been hooking up?

What the hell...

"Please don't say anything she doesn't know I saw him at her house that day... it isn't my business and I hate to be messy," Katie said.

I nodded.

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