Chapter 37

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"Baby I'm serious she was acting like a thirsty ass ho," Caleb said.

I laughed as I got the popcorn out of the microwave.

Caleb and I had put the kids to bed and were about to have a movie night. I was just popping some popcorn as he told me about his day.

Apparently some girl came on to him who wanted a job.

"So what did you do?" I asked as I poured the popcorn into a bowl.

"I told the whore I was happily married and the bitch was like I don't see a ring on your finger," Caleb recalled.

I laughed again.

"She was really hot for you," I laughed.

"Baby I'm telling you this girl was weird as fuck. It was like she was too thirsty for no reason. Like how are you coming to see me for a job then asking if I want to fuck you. It makes no sense. Needless to say I told the chick to bounce and that she obviously wasn't getting hired," Caleb said.

"Well it sounds like you handled her well. I'm proud of you hubby," I said as I turned around.

I pecked Caleb's lips and he pulled me up against his body.

"She wanted all this right here," he said referring to himself.

"Well too bad she can't have it because it's all mine," I smiled.

Caleb pecked my lips then turned around.

I playfully slapped his ass.

He grabbed his butt caught off guard and I just giggled.

"Ok I wasn't expecting that," he chuckled.

I grabbed the popcorn bowl and headed out of the kitchen.

I took two steps before I felt a firm slap on my ass.

"I'll do the ass slapping around here wifey," he said.

I just laughed and went into the living room.

I sat down on the couch and he came and sat beside me.

I turned on our movie as I sat the popcorn bowl between us.

"I told the girls we're back together and Serena was a total bitch about," I said.

"Figures. I don't think your friend likes me or us together for that matter," Caleb said not surprised.

"Why though?" I asked.

"Simple maybe her relationship is more fucked up than she leads you all to believe and she's jealous. Jealous that we can work shit out while she is faking it with all of you. You didn't notice how distant her fiancé was acting towards her at the engagement party we went to. I don't think I saw them hold hands, hug, or even kiss once during that entire party," Caleb said.

"Really? I didn't notice," I said.

"Well either way don't let her stress you baby. Her opinion is irrelevant anyway," Caleb said.

Caleb and I got comfortable on the couch. I sat between his legs and laid back on him and held the popcorn bowl in my lap.

We watched our movie and ate our popcorn enjoying ourselves.

We were watching a thriller movie so it was suspenseful and a little scary.

After we finished the popcorn I sat the bowl on the coffee table. Caleb and I just cuddled as we continued to watch the movie.

I leaned up a bit half way through the movie and pecked his lips.

He ran his fingers through my hair and gave me a real kiss.

We started making out a bit then things began to escalate.

I ran my hands underneath his shirt as I lay on top of him kissing him.

"Marry me," he mumbled against my lips.

I giggled and pulled back a bit to look into his eyes.

"I am going to marry you," I smiled.

"No... I mean sooner than we planned," he clarified.

"Huh?" I questioned confused.

I sat up and he did too.

"I have to go to Vegas this weekend to check on the club... maybe you could join me and I'll have my parents come in town to watch the kids for us. Maybe while in Vegas we could just elope... make things official..." Caleb suggested.

"Babe we already agreed your mother would kill us both if we eloped," I reasoned.

"We can still have our big wedding but the elopement can be something for just the two of us... something that's just ours," he suggested.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked.

"Zoey we've been through so many ups and downs and it seems like finally we're on the same page. I know we still have more counseling sessions and everything but I just really want that official commitment between us. I want you to have my last name. I want to be able to finally call you my wife," Caleb explained.

"I want all of that too but I just feel like we should at least do this one thing by the book. I mean your mother has been our biggest cheerleader. I don't want to take that moment of seeing us wed in front of all our family and friends away from her," I explained.

"Then lets move up the wedding..." Caleb said.

"Babe no. December 14th is not that far away," I said.

"Zoey it is not the ceremony that will make our marriage. It is us. It's not you, me, and my mother in this relationship. While she might be disappointed if we elope at first she'll end up understanding. I think deep down all that matters to her is that we're happy... or shall I say that you're happy with me," Caleb chuckled.

"You really want to elope?" I asked.

"Yes... I want you to be Mrs. Atwood more than anything," he said.

I love Caleb with all my heart and want to marry him more than anything.

I just didn't know if eloping in secret was the right move.

"Can I think about it?" I asked.

"Sure... I don't want to pressure you into anything. I just really want to become your husband," he said.

"Well whether I agree to eloping or not I can't wait to become your wife Caleb. You are a good man to me and great father to our kids. You're everything I knew you could be and for that I'm so proud to call you mine," I smiled.

"I love you so much Zoe," he smiled as he leaned in to kiss me.

I kissed him back then lay in his arms.

Should we elope?

I didn't know the answer to that question.

I mean Caleb is right our marriage is about us so big wedding or not a ceremony doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

But just thinking of that moment when I get to wear my wedding dress and walk down the aisle to him made me not want to elope.

I want the moment we become husband and wife to be a moment of celebration. Not a moment we have to indulge in in secret. 

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