Chapter 50

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Caleb P.O.V.

I sat in an interrogation room waiting for an officer to bring Courtney in.

My mother was with me but waiting outside in the waiting area. I needed my best chance at getting answers out of Courtney, which meant talking one on one.

A few minutes later the door opened and the officer brought Courtney in.

She looked so different in an orange jumpsuit.

It fit her.

She is a criminal no doubt.

They sat Courtney down across from me. They had her handcuffs cuffed to the table then left us alone to speak.

"I'm surprised to see you here," Courtney said.

"Just wanting to see justice finally served," I said.

"Justice. That's funny coming from you considering no one on your side ever had justice served for my brother," Courtney said.

"Your brother was a lunatic just like you," I said.

"Caleb don't you start that name calling. I might just have to cut this visit short if you end up hurting my feelings," Courtney teased.

I was here on a mission I needed to not get distracted.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that... speaking ill of the dead is wrong," I said.

"It is but I'll let it slide," Courtney said.

"Courtney I know you couldn't have been working alone. I need to know the truth. Who was helping you?" I asked.

Courtney got a grin on her face.

"Caleb you are asking the wrong questions. You need to be asking why would someone want to help me? What would someone gain to get you and Zoey away from one another," Courtney taunted.

"Just tell me who was helping you!" I demanded.

"How are the kids..." Courtney said changing the subject.

"My kids are fine come on Courtney answer my question. Who helped you kidnap me?" I demanded.

"I sat down for breakfast with your kids once... when Zoey trusted me and offered me breakfast. Cecilia is interesting to say the least. When I saw her face to face I saw him," Courtney said.

"Saw who?" I asked confused.

"My brother! I know all the stuff that went on with that DNA test and yes some nurse claimed to have switched the results but then my father got involved as well... look I came here for you and you only but then I saw her and know I saw a piece of my brother," Courtney rambled.

"Courtney stop! Zoey and I have confirmed that Cecilia is my daughter not Stewart's so drop that bullshit right now," I said.

"While I sat there waiting for Zoey to fix me a plate I stole your daughter's spoon. I had it tested Caleb! Well shall I say I had my accomplice have it tested," Courtney said.

Courtney giggled sinisterly.

"Too bad you got me thrown in here before I could get the test results. But if the results are what I think they are that little girl isn't yours," Courtney said.

"Cecilia's my daughter. Stop trying to play mind games with me," I said.

"I'm not playing mind games I'm stating facts. My father was never going to accept Zoey or a child from her womb. But my brother didn't care. He loved that little bitch Zoey more than anything... it was like he found his new Kyla. I never thought he'd love anyone after her death... but he surprised me," Courtney said.

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