Chapter 52

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

I sat at a table outside at the restaurant I was meeting up with Eric at. I was going to get answers today. I was going to find out if Eric was really Stewart.

Caleb advised me against meeting with Eric to confront him but I had to know for myself. I wanted him to look me in the eyes and tell me if he really was Stewart and had faked his death.

"Zoey..." I heard a male voice.

I turned around and saw Eric.

"Hey," I said.

He took a seat across from me.

I looked at him hard.

If he was Stewart there should be something in his features to let me know it was him right?

"You said you wanted to inquire about using my contract services?" Eric questioned.

I had told Serena I needed Eric's number because I needed his professional help.

I made it sound like Caleb and I might want to hire him for some contract work.

As I sat here and looked at him and wondered if Courtney had been lying or telling the truth I couldn't play it cool.

I never use to have to bullshit with Stewart so why start now.

"Where did you come from?" I asked.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" he asked.

"Do you know a woman name Courtney? Is she your sister?" I asked.

"Excuse me what?" he asked playing dumb.

"Oh give it up Stewart! Courtney spilled the beans to Caleb all about what you two have been up to," I revealed.

"Zoey I don't know any woman named Courtney," he lied.

I could just feel that he was lying to me. He wasn't about to be honest or admit anything to me.

This was a waste of my time.

"Forget it. Clearly this is a waste of my time," I said as I stood up.

I grabbed my purse ready to leave.

"Zoey stop," he said.

I turned around and he stood up.

"Why? You clearly are going to sit here and lie to my face. Funny thing is Stewart I thought you and I could always be honest with each other," I said.

I looked at him and he didn't seem to waver.

"I'm leaving. Have a nice life pretending to be someone you aren't," I said angry.

As I turned to leave he spoke.

"Alright I'll talk," he said.

I turned around and watched as he took out what seemed to be contacts in his eyes.

"You're right... it's me... Stewart," he admitted.

I looked into his green eyes and saw it.

I saw the man I once was so intimate with then so fearful of, staring right at me.

"Please sit down," he said.

I put my purse on the table and sat back down across from him.

"Why? Why lie! Why go into hiding! Why help Courtney try to destroy my family!" I said demanding answers.

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