Chapter 54

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"Bean where is your hairbrush?" I asked.

My daughter looked at me and shrugged.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked a bit in her bedroom.

Now where was her hairbrush?

I was trying to do my daughter's hair before taking the kids to the park.

It was Saturday morning. Caleb and I promised to take the kids to the park then out for ice cream.

I couldn't find Cecilia's brush anywhere.

I walked out of her bedroom to just go to my bedroom and get my hairbrush.

As I walked out of her bedroom I bumped right into Caleb.

He placed his hand to my hip to keep me from stumbling.

I looked up and we locked eyes.

He quickly dropped his hand from my body and took a step back.

After last night I was hoping he was in a better mood this morning.

I had to cry myself to sleep because I was so hurt and confused by a fight he started.

"Have you seen Bean's hairbrush?" I asked.

"No..." Caleb said.

"You're a little dressed up for the park and ice cream," I said taking a look at his appearance

He was in dress slacks and a dress shirt.

"I'm going to the club to work for a few hours," Caleb said.

"But it's Saturday and we promised to take the kids to the park and out for ice cream," I said.

"Feel free to go without me," Caleb said.

"Caleb what is your problem? I swear ever since last night you've been acting-"

"Mommy...." Cecilia said interrupting my conversation with her father.

"Yes bean what is it?" I asked.

"Did you find my hairbrush?" she asked.

"No sweetie I didn't. But it's fine. We'll just use momma's brush. Come on I'll do your hair in my bathroom," I said.

"Ok..." Cecilia said.

I looked at Caleb and he looked at me.

"Hi daddy," Cecilia said.

Cecilia walked up to her father and hugged his leg.

Caleb just stood there not even acknowledging her.

Usually he would pick her up and smoother her in kisses.

He was being cold towards her just like he'd been cold toward me last night.

He wasn't showing any affection.

"I gotta go," he said.

Cecilia moved away from her father and Caleb just walked off downstairs to leave the house.

"Come on bean. Lets go do your hair," I said.

I walked off to my bedroom and Cecilia and I went into my bathroom.

I brushed her hair and pulled it to the top of her head to give her a high bun.

"Mommy is daddy mad at me?" Cecilia asked sadly.

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