here we go

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"I bet you can't get Fowler to date you by the time we're done with this stupid project."

"Oh, you're on!"

So, yeah, you've probably definitely seen this pretty much everywhere there is Randy fan fiction, but I want to be clear this isn't necessarily a Randy story. Yes they will date for awhile, but they may or may not be endgame, I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

I will be including all 5 of the Roadtrip boys, Rye, Andy, Jack, Brook, and Sonny. Harvey might end up in there somehow, but I'll probably keep Mikey out of it. It's not that I don't love Mikey, I do, but this is a roadtrip fan fic and he's obviously not included in that. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but just, don't read it if it does.

This will be set in high school. I'm from America, and don't really know how any other school systems work, so I'll be using that. Basically, they'll be in their sophomore year of high school, meaning they're around 16 years old, and they all can drive. They might not all have cars, though, I haven't decided yet. If it comes up at all throughout the story, I'll write it in.

My updating schedule will most likely be all over the place. With my last book, I did 3 times a week which was just a little bit too much for me. I'm going to update this one once a week. Maybe twice if I'm feeling good. I may end up missing some updates sometimes, though, and if I do, I just ask that you're all patient with me, and don't demand updates.

trigger warnings:
bxb (obviously)
some homophobia, nothing too bad though
mild violence, again nothing awful
major anxiety and panic attacks (something that heavily effects my life and writing about it helps sometimes)
I think that's it but I'll add more if there is more. I'll also put a warning above each chapter these things occur in

Also, in my last story, I was a little wary of swearing, I didn't write it in all that much. This will be completely different, as I'm a little more comfortable and confident with my writing at this point. Basically, I'll swear and cuss (mild, mainly, and occasionally a little harsh) from here on out, so if you don't like it, don't read it.


I currently have a few parts pre-written, and I'll start uploading them sometime in the next week!

Okay, yeah, all that being said, let's get this thing started, I guess.


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