11//the bathroom

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The day went by agonizingly slow, at least for Jack. He had tried to find Brooklyn, but stopped trying once he got yelled at by a teacher for not being in class.

He drug his feet along the floor of the hall to his first class, annoyed and bummed that he hadn't found Brook. Although he didn't really know the blond that well, and what he did know was pretty annoying, he also knew that Brook had waited for him that morning. He could tell that Jack was upset, and he'd waited in an attempt to make him feel better. And now Brook was upset, and Jack didn't know where he was, and he couldn't make him feel any better.


Tears. Constant tears. Harvey had teased Brook before. Made fun of him since the second he'd seen him. But for some reason when it happened in front of Jack it'd been so much worse. He honestly didn't know why. Surely, Jack knew Brook was a nerd. That was an unavoidable fact. Maybe he'd overlooked it, though. Maybe he'd forgotten. But seeing him get thrown across the hallway definitely would've reminded him. And there was no way he'd still want a friend like Brook around. So when the two boys were on the ground on opposite sides of the hall, Brook did the only thing he could think of to do. He ran.

He ran to the bathrooms. The ones on the other side of the school, just to be sure Jack wouldn't find him. He went to the farthest stall, and collapsed in the far corner. As soon as he fell, so did the tears. And they didn't stop. He cried and he cried. What kind of person made fun of another human for having friends? For walking with them in the hallway? Did Harvey just not have anyone close to him that would do that? Or was he just heartless? Did he just hate Brooklyn that much? Did he really just think he was too pathetic to have friends? And if that was true, was he really that wrong? Andy was his only friend before, and Jack was the only person who'd ever been willing to be that close to Brook. Yeah, he probably wasn't deserving of that closeness.

Brook cried. His eyes and face hurt from it, but he didn't stop. He didn't know how. He'd never really been one to show his feelings, and he didn't know how to control it once he started.

He heard someone walk into the bathroom and he tried to silence the tears. It worked for a minute, but then a choked sob escaped from the back of his throat and made it sound like someone was drowning.

"Hello?" a voice called. Shit. It was Rye.

"Is someone in here?" Rye asked.

Brook tried to answer, but all that came out was another choked sob.

"Are you alright?" Rye asked, his voice softer.

Again, Brook tried to speak, but couldn't form words. He just opened the door so Rye could see the mess that he was.

"Brook? What the hell happened? Are you alright?"

"Fine," Brook managed to get out.

"Bullshit! Come here, Brook." Rye opened his arms to the blond.

That was all it took for the waterworks to start up again. Brook burried his head in Rye's chest, letting all his emotions out, once again.

Once Brook had finally calmed down a bit, Rye tried asking again, "What happened?"

"I was walking. With Jack. To class. We were... we were holding hands, you know. As friends. Harvey," Brook choked up again.

"Harvey came and started making fun of us. And like. He threw us apart. To the ground on opposite sides of the hall. Told us gays were stupid. Not to hold hands. Not usually a big deal. But Jack. I dragged him into it. Not his fault. But he still got made fun of. And he probably hates me, and thinks I'm some dumb geek again, and it's my fault he got made fun of, and I don't know, just, he didn't deserve it," Brook sobbed again.

"Brooklyn, I promise he doesn't hate you," Rye said softly. "Jack would never. And it's not your fault that Harvey's a dick. But did you say that's not a big deal? Getting thrown to the ground isn't a big deal to you?"

Brook shook his head. "Not really. Happens all the time. Am used to it." The words barely came out of his mouth. He was afraid once they did, Rye, too, would see how much of a loser Brook was and ditch him.

"He does that all the time?" Rye practically yelled.

"If I'm alone. If me and Andy are together, no. But if we're seperate, then yeah," Brook mumbled.

"That's- I don't even know what that is!" Rye yelled. Brook shrunk down, afraid Rye's anger was directed toward him, for some reason.

"Hey, Brook, it's okay. I'm not mad at you. Just Harvey's dumb ass," Rye said, softer, to let Brook know he wasn't mad at him.

"Why do you care?" Brook asked shyly.


"I know why you're mad Jack got pushed around. But why do you care about what happens to me?" Brook asked.

"Because I care about you, Brook!"

"But why?"

"Because! Well, one, no person should be treated like that. I know how it feels to be made fun of for something you can't help. To feel like you're worthless and unloved. But also, Brook, I know you're supposed to be geeky and uncool or whatever, but you actually are pretty cool, believe it or not. You're funny, and sarcastic, and smart. You have this whole new perspective of the world that I never thought of before. And I know I already said smart, but dude, literally, you're insanely smart. A little goofy, but smart as hell, man! And you're unique and cool, and I guess I'm not good at this whole pep talk thing, but you're fun to be around. I care about you, and I don't want you to hurt or be upset." Rye rambled.

Brook had tears running down his face again, but this time they weren't of sadness. "Thanks, Rye," Brook smiled, hugging the taller boy.

"Anytime, Brooklyn."

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