20//the end

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Rye and Sonny were hanging out at Rye's after school that day. They were just talking and hanging out, with the occasional kiss here and there.

They eventually heard the sound of Rye's mom getting home, and by the sounds of small voices, they could tell Rye's twin younger brothers were home, too. Rye jumped up from his bed and grabbed Sonny's hand, dragging him downstairs.

"Hey, mom?" Rye called, letting go of Sonny's hand, but motioning for him to continue to follow.

"What's up?" his mom asked, giving Rye a quick sideways hug.

"So, umm, this is Sonny," Rye said, motioning to where he was standing.

"I know who your best friend is, Rye," his mom told him, entirely confused by the situation.

"My boyfriend," Rye explained.


"Yeah," both boys dragged out awkwardly, standing by each other and holding the other's hand in support.

"Is this a recent thing or have you been hiding it this whole time?" his mom asked. She would support her son no matter what. She just didn't want him to feel like he needed to keep secrets from her.

"Very recent," Rye assured her.

"Hey, my mom just texted me that I need to be home soon for dinner," Sonny explained to his boyfriend.

"Okay. Do we need to tell her, too?" Rye asked.

"No. She already knows."

"Awwww, you talk about me to your mom," Rye cooed, causing Sonny to blush.

"I need you both to know that I fully support you. But Rye, if you hurt Sonny, then I will hurt you," his mom said.

"Aren't you supposed to tell him that. I mean, I definitely won't, but I'm your son," Rye complained.

"You both are my sons, and Sonny already knows that he can't hurt you," she smiled.

"Thank you," Sonny smiled. His phone was going off again, and he knew it was his mom. "I love you! Bye!" He called to Rye, kissing his cheek and running out the door.

"Love you, too," Rye whispered, more to himself now, considering Sonny was already gone.


The next morning, Jack had somehow gotten roped into picking the whole gang up for school. First he picked up Andy and Brook. Andy, of course, sat in the passenger seat and held hands with Jack the entire way, and Brook sat in the back. That meant that, eventually, he was surrounded by couples. He couldn't be happier, though, knowing that all of his friends were happy.

The group, obviously, all sat together at lunch, but were eventually joined by an unexpected guest. "Hey, Duff?" Harvey asked, sitting down next to them all.

"Yes?" Jack was already annoyed, just by Harvey's presence.

"I was thinking about what you said yesterday. And you're right. I've hurt every single one of you at one point or another. And you shouldn't forgive me for it. But I am sorry. And I'm going to try to stop. But I might still slip up sometimes," Harvey said.

"Okay, thanks," Jack tried his best to be nice, but it was really hard to be nice to the person who caused people close to you so much pain. Jack knew he'd also caused these people pain, at times, and they'd forgiven him, so maybe he should try to forgive Harvey, too. "If you ever need help, you know, trying to be nice, or apologizing, or whatever, you can ask me."

"Really, Duff? You mean it?"

"Yes, Harvey. If you really are sorry and really do want to work on being a better person, I guess I can help. I know how it feels to fuck up and feel like you can't fix it." Andy squeezed Jack's hand, so insanely proud of his boyfriend for making this much of an effort.

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