1//the whole coming out thing

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Rye's best friends, Sonny and Jack, are pretty much the only reason he still goes to school. He hates everyone else, and everyone else hates him, teachers included. His grades kind of suck, and no one cares enough about him to actually teach him anything. They've all pretty much given up on him at this point. It's always, "If you tried harder, Beaumont..." or "Maybe you should try studying, Beaumont..." or "Pay attention in class, Beaumont..."

What no one seems to understand is that he really does. He pays attention, and tries his hardest. He does all of his work, and studies his ass off before tests. Somehow he still ends up with awful grades, though. Maybe he just is the fuck up everyone thinks of him as.

Sonny and Jack, though, they're the best. They both get better grades than Rye. Sonny gets fairly decent grades, without even trying. Jack tries a little harder than Sonny, but manages to pass pretty easily. Rye, on the other hand, works his ass off in every class, and still somehow fails more than he'd like to admit.

They don't care, though. They know he tries his hardest, and they don't ask for anything more. Other people might have a hard time being around Sonny and Jack 24/7, and it's not hard to see why. They are a bit loud and crazy sometimes, but that's why Rye loves them. They get crazy ideas, and he pretty much always get roped into them, but that's what makes his life interesting, so he'd never question it.

It was lunch period, so they were all eating and chatting about whatever, nothing all that interesting.

"Hey, you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Sonny asked.

"At school?" Rye questioned, already regretting what they were about to do.

"Yeah, dumbass, what if we get caught?" Jack asked, shoving Sonny's shoulder playfully.

"It's not like it's against the rules to play a stupid game," Sonny said.

"True, but no dares that are too extreme, I don't feel like getting a detention today, idiots." They all knew too well how easy it was to get a detention at their school.

"Yeah, same," Jack agreed with Rye.

"Alright, fine," Sonny sighed.

"Who wants to go first?" Rye asked them.

"It was Sonny's stupid idea, let him go first," Jack grunted.

The thing about Sonny and Jack is that they don't necessarily get along the greatest. They butt heads a lot, and don't agree on a lot of things. Rye ends up stuck in the middle of a lot of their arguments, and their friendship as a whole. It might not make a whole lot of sense as to why he's still friends with the two of them if all they do is argue, but he really does love them both to death. And even if he didn't, they're all that he's got.

"It's not a stupid idea!" Sonny yelled, getting the attention of about half the cafeteria.

"It's kind of a stupid idea," Rye told him.

"Well, too bad, you both already agreed," Sonny sassed.

"Just go, already!" Jack was starting to get annoyed, just wanting to get the whole thing over with. And so it went, the three dumb teenage boys playing truth or dare in their school cafeteria, teachers present everywhere.

Across the cafeteria, Brooklyn and Andy, two faux blonds sat eating their lunch in silence. They weren't the best of friends, but they were acquaintances. The nerds of their class, but in two different ways.

Andy was always the try-hard, study-all-the-time, goody-two-shoes in school. Brook was more of the awkward, stutters-over-their-words, super-into-sci-fi type of nerd.

Nonetheless, they still got along fairly well. At least, better than they did with anyone else in their grade. They had  quiet conversations, occasionally, at lunch and during free period, but most of the time were fine just being in each other's company. Sure, both would much rather be alone, but seeing as neither wanted to be randomly selected by cool-kid Harvey to get picked on, there was safety in numbers.

They were together, but rarely talked. Both either lost in thought or in books. Today it was the latter. For Brook it was the latest issue of his current favorite comic book series. For Andy it was his textbook for social studies, which he had a test coming up for in a few days.

Both were finding solitude and happiness in their silence, unlike whatever kid had decided it would be a good idea to get up on the table and start shouting.

The kid happened to be Sonny Robertson, who'd just been dared by Jack to out himself in front of the entire grade by standing on the table and yelling out that he was bi. All three of the boys were, which was one of the reasons they'd all been such good friends since day one. They seemed to get each other, even if they (however frequently) had their differences.

Andy and Brooklyn both felt it was common knowledge between the two of them that they both were gay. Although it had never been spoken aloud, they both knew it.

Back to Sonny's seemingly random cafeteria-wide coming out, it had not gone unnoticed by anyone in the cafeteria. Especially not the principal, who was now walking towards him.

"What's going on here, gentlemen?" Mr. Dreelan asked the group.

"Oh, umm, nothing. Just couldn't hold it in any longer, sir. Tired if having that weight on my back, ya know?" Sonny chuckled nervously.

"No, no I don't know, Robertson. You know it's against school policy to make fun of anyone's sexuality," Dreelan stated.

"He wasn't making fun of it, sir, he was simply stating who he is!" Rye defended.

"Either way, it's a detention this afternoon, Robertson. And you, too, Beaumont. I don't appreciate your back talk."

"All due respect, Mr. Dreelan, but I don't think Sonny should get a detention for this," Jack tried.

"Well, Duff, if that's what you think, then you may as well have a detention this afternoon, too," Dreelan said. "Anything else you would like me to know, boys?"

"No, sir," all three boys mumbled.

The scene didn't go unnoticed by Andy and Brooklyn, though. "Homophobic bastard," Brooklyn mumbled.

"Yeah. Dumb," Andy agreed. That was the only thing the boys said to each other all day. But it was enough.

1079 words
so, yeah. I guess this happened. tell me what ya think, I guess?

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