16//the free period

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As Jack and Andy were walking to the bathrooms, they passed by a certain Harvey. Both boys looked down, not even thinking about it when they dropped their hands.

They increased the distance between them a bit, as well, making it seem like they weren't even headed to the same place. It worked, though. Harvey passed by them, not even giving them a second glance.

Little did the two boys know, but Harvey was headed to the principal's office, finally getting punished for tormenting every kid in the fucking school.

As Jack and Andy made it to the bathroom, they intertwined their hands again, Andy pulling Jack behind him. He pushed Jack toward the counter, and Jack jumped up onto it, sitting and facing Andy.

Andy grabbed a towel and got it wet, rubbing it over Jack's face to get rid of the tear tracks. Not going to lie, Andy thought Jack was beautiful, and the tears only proved that further, but he probably didn't want everyone asking him if he'd been crying. Lucky for Jack, Andy had plenty of practice in trying to make it look like he hadn't been crying when he had.

He got another towel wet with cold water and layed it over Jack's eyes, to get rid of the red puffiness. The other towel, from before, he rinsed under warm water, and laid it across Jack's neck to help calm him down more.

Andy then jumped up to sit next to Jack, laying his head on the Irish boy's shoulder.

"You wanna talk about it yet?" Andy asked.

"Not really. Think it'll make me even more worked up right now," Jack answered honestly.

"Okay. That's totally fine," Andy assured him. "You wanna come over after school? We can talk about it then if you want, or we could just hang, too. Get your mind off of whatever it is." Andy tried his best to convince Jack. Obviously he didn't know that by hanging out with Andy, Jack would only think about it more.

"Yeah that sounds really great, actually," Jack smiled, laying his head down on top of Andy's, which was still on his shoulder.

They stayed like that for awhile, until they heard voices outside of the door. Quickly, they jumped up, discarding the towels, and walking nonchalantly out of the bathroom as whoever it was walked in.

The two boys made their way to their next class, this time not holding hands.

The teacher just nodded towards them as they took their two seats in the back; he'd already received an email from the counselor before the boys left.

The boys sat down in their seats and started on the worksheet that had been sat at both of their seats. A few minutes into their work, the teacher called, "Fowler and Duff, stay for a minute after class, please." Both boys agreed, seeing as they had no other choice. They continued on with their work, hoping to get done and not have homework.

Soon enough, the bell rang and kids started filing out of the classroom while Andy and Jack hung back. "You boys aren't in trouble, I just wanted to make sure you were alright," the teacher assured them.

"Yeah, I'm a lot better now, thanks. I just had a little bit of a hard time last hour," Jack told him.

"Okay, well I hope you know I'm here to talk anytime you need it," the teacher said, clapping Jack's shoulder, which the Irish boy found oddly comforting.

"Thank you!" Jack smiled. School wasn't all terrible when you had genuinely nice teachers who cared about your well being.

"And don't worry about the worksheet, I won't count it for you two boys. We'll say it was excused, yeah?" Both boys nodded in agreement, completely okay with missing out on just one assignment for the day.

"Free period, right?" Andy asked Jack as they made their way out of the classroom.

"Yep, so you mind if we go to science to figure out what I missed while I was... panicking?"

"No, of course not," Andy smiled, taking Jack's hand. Jack pulled his hand out of Andy's grip, which made Andy frown a bit, until he saw Harvey directly in front of them. Then he understood.

They made their way to the science classroom. Jack knew that the teacher had plan during this hour. He went a lot during his free period to have her re-explain lessons that he'd zoned out during.

He knocked on the slightly opened door before opening it more. "Hey, sorry about earlier. Didn't mean to disrupt class, or anything," Jack apologized, looking at the floor.

"No need to apologize, Mr. Duff," she said. "And don't worry about what you missed, it was just a review day for the test Monday," she explained.

"We... we have a test on Monday?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, I had to reschedule it from Wednesday because of the assembly, and Tuesday is a day off," she explained patiently. She really wasn't a bad teacher, Jack just didn't like science, so he didn't like her, either.

"Okay, sounds good. Thank you so much for earlier, by the way," Jack smiled and waved, making his way to the door.

"Don't worry about it!" she called.

"You good?" Andy asked from his position against the wall outside of the classroom.

"Yep, just have a test I didn't know about on Monday!" Jack faked excitement for the situation.

"Ooh, what's it over?" Andy asked.

"Periodic table," Jack rolled his eyes.

"We took ours earlier this week," Andy told Jack.

"Yeah? What did you get on it? And was it hard?" Jack eagerly asked.

"No it wasn't too hard. I got an A."

"Can I ask you for a huge favor, Andy, my best friend ever?" Jack smiled, giving Andy his best puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, Jack," Andy giggled.

"Will you help me study like you did with Rye? Please?" Jack asked, dragging out the please.

"Of course, Jack, that's fine. You still want to come over tonight?"

"Of course!" Jack agreed.

1013 words
so I'm sorry for the bombarding of updates tonight😂 I may or may not upload the last 4 later on, maybe tomorrow, depends on how lazy I get to be perfectly honest😂

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