19//the bully

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The next day at school was, interesting, to say the least. Jack and Andy acted the same as the always did. Maybe a little more touchy, but pretty much the same. Rye and Sonny, on the other hand, were acting all giggly and secretive. As if everyone else couldn't already tell what had happened.

During their free period, Andy and Jack just sat in the hallway and talked. They talked about their classes, their family, their friends-even though that particular subject was the same for both of them-and really just anything that came to mind. This was probably both of their favorite things; just sitting with each other and talking.

"I love this," Andy smiled, resting his head on Jack's shoulder.

"Me too, And," Jack agreed, lacing their fingers together.

Neither of the two boys noticed Harvey walking down the hallway towards them.

"Duff, I see you've moved on to your next boyfriend," Harvey greeted.

"What the hell do you want?" Jack seethed. Harvey had already managed to make Brook upset, but if he dared to go after Andy, Jack would not be having it. He didn't protect Brook from Harvey, but you can be sure that Jack would do anything to make sure his boy was okay and safe.

"I'm supposed to apologize for hurting you and the dweeb the other day in the hall."

"Okay?" Jack asked, just wanting Harvey to go away so he could talk to Andy again. His head was still laying on Jack's shoulder, and he was holding his hand even tighter than before.

"So umm, I guess I'm sorry," Harvey rolled his eyes.

"Are you really, though?" Jack was done at this point. He knew it was better to ignore it, but he really had some things for Harvey to hear.

"No? Why would I be?" Harvey asked, sounding genuinely confused.

"Because you have no fucking clue how your words affect people. Because what you say makes people fucking hurt. Not to mention it's all lies and you have no clue what you're actually talking about. Because you physically hurt, Brook, too, and that's not okay. He doesn't deserve it. Because no one who you do anything to has ever done anything to you. You have so much to be actually sorry for. And you're not sorry for any of it. And you shouldn't tell lies, so if you're not actually sorry, don't pretend like you are," Jack finished.

Harvey ran away, angry that someone finally had the balls to stand up to him. Jack immediately buried his head in Andy's hair, silently crying because he had no idea he had that in him. Andy wrapped his arms around the taller boy, letting him release all of his emotions. He knew, first hand, how Harvey could make you feel worthless, but he also knew how un-worthless Jack actually was.

"Hey, that was amazing, Jack," Andy told him.

"How? I'm just as bad as he is now," Jack whimpered.

"No. No you're not. You didn't tell him anything that wasn't true. You didn't hurt him. You maybe bruised his pride a little, but with Harvey, that's only going to help him. You just did what no one else has had the guts to do for all of high school, Jack. That doesn't make you bad. That makes you so fucking amazing," Andy assured Jack.

"Can I tell you something?" Jack asked the blonde boy.

"Of course."

"I feel like I always hurt the people close to me. Like, I never can do anything right. And when I really like someone, platonically or otherwise, I fuck it up. I like you, Andy, so fucking much. Like, you don't understand how much I like you. And the second I realized that I felt like I needed to get rid of those feelings. I tried to, and then as soon as I did, I realized I like them. That I want to feel my feelings for you. I don't want them to go away," Jack cried.

"Hey, Jack, it's okay. I'm here. And I like you, too. And I know you like me. And I know you tried to get rid of them, but you need to understand something. I'm not going away. No matter how hard you try to get me to leave, I'm going to stick by your side, Jack. I care way too much about you to leave you."

"Andy?" Jack asked.


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course Jack," Andy smiled, kissing the Irish boy, just as the bell for lunch rang. The boys stood up off the floor of the hall. Andy reached up to wipe the tear stains off of his boyfriend's face, and they walked hand in hand through the lunch line and to their seats.

"Are you guys dating yet?" Brook asked impatiently. The two boys looked at each other, then nodded.

"Yeah. We are," Jack smiled.

Sonny and Rye came in, not really talking to each other much. But, every once in awhile, they would look at each other, make eye contact, then look away in a fit of giggles.

"And you said you weren't a 12 year old girl?" Brook asked.

"I'd say we're 13, thank you very much!" Sonny protested.

"Yeah, this is a very middle school level relationship, not elementary," Rye agreed.

"Oh look, they're actually having a conversation with each other!" Brook faked amazement.

"Oh, shut up," Rye whined, and immediately after started giggling.

"We're so much cuter than that," Andy whispered into Jack's ear, causing the Irish boy to blush and laugh.

"They're too caught up in their crushes to even realize the cuteness happening right in front of us with the other, highly superior, ship," Brook said, now exasperated with the two giggly boys.

"Superior my ass," Sonny mumbled.

"No, they definitely are," Rye agreed with Brook, smiling at his best friends and their new found happiness with each other.

"I also happen to think we're superior," Andy agreed.

"Yeah, me too! Sorry, Robertson. You're outnumbered. Democracy. Majority wins!" Jack exclaimed, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"Haha," Andy joked, sticking his tongue out at Sonny. They all laughed and continued on with their lunch, just enjoying hanging out with their group.

1044 words

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