17//the cliffhanger

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The next few hours went by and all five boys met up at lunch. Jack sat down first while Andy went through the lunch line for both of them. Sonny sat down next, and no one knew where Brook or Rye were.

"Hey, I heard about what happened in first hour. You good, man?" Sonny asked, concerned for the Irish boy sitting across from him.

"Umm, yeah, just got a bit panicky, but I'm good now," Jack smiled while internally wincing. He'd gone so long without anyone knowing about his anxiety, and now everyone was going to hear about it.

"Hey!" Andy greeted as he sat down with both his and Jack's lunch. They typically shared, anymore, because neither could finish a whole lunch. They were never hungry enough, and they picked at the other's food anyways. Might as well just share. (a/n me and my friend, always)

"Hey, Jack?" Sonny asked cautiously.


"Was it my fault that you had a panic attack?" Sonny had felt really guilty about interrogating Jack since he found out about his panic attack in class. He knew it was at least partly his fault, if not entirely.

"No. Not really. I just... I just get trapped in my own head sometimes. With my own thoughts. Sometimes that's not a bad thing. It gives me more time to think some things through which can be nice. But when I'm feeling down on myself and not really enjoying life, I can get really negative thoughts. And those are really hard to get away from, even if I know they're not true. And it's all I can think about sometimes. And then I start to believe it and panic ensues," Jack giggled a little, to try and lighten the mood. Rye and Brook had showed up at some point during his speech, and he couldn't help but be a little uncomfortable because of it. He had just opened up and talked about his anxiety for the first time, pretty much ever, and all of his friends were there to hear it. He could end up with no one after this.

"Why haven't you ever talked about this, man?" Rye asked, concern for his best friend written all over his face.

"I dunno. Feelings always make me uncomfortable and I've always felt like you guys might judge me for my anxiety," Jack mumbled.

"Duff, we would never judge you for something you can't control. I know we're not the closest of friends, and we have our low points, but you gotta know I'm here to talk to if you ever need it, okay?" Sonny assured Jack.

"Yeah," Jack nodded. "But can we not talk about it right now?" Everyone agreed.

"Hey, Andy, I'm not gonna be able to do tutoring today," Rye said.

"Oh, shit, I completely forgot about that. Me either, I'm hanging with Jack."

"Oh, cool, I'm hanging with Brook," Rye grinned.

Ugh, that smile. It could kill Sonny. It would, eventually. He was sure of it. But because of Brook? Brook was great, but would Rye like him? As more than a friend? And would Brook like him back? It was quite possible, actually. Brook was the only one who didn't know about Sonny's crush on Rye. Maybe he would go for it if he had no reason not to.

"You good Sonny?" Brook asked, chuckling a little.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Sonny faked a smile.

"You sure? You looked like you could kill someone for a second," Brook said, getting a little more serious.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sonny shook his head.

"Okay, just wanna make sure," Brook smiled reassuringly towards Sonny.

Lunch went on and the boys continued talking about random things until the bell rang. They all went to their next class together and went on with their days.

Eventually, their last class ended. Jack went home with Andy, Brook with Rye, and Sonny by himself.


"Have you talked to Andy yet?" Brook asked Rye as they lazed around Rye's bedroom.

"No, but I talked to Sonny and Jack. Told them I wasn't going to do it anymore," Rye said.

"What did they say?"

"I don't really know. I kinda hung up on Jack as soon as I got the words out," Rye mumbled, looking down in embarrassment.

"What about Sonny?"

"Well, I was kinda upset about Jack. And he came over and comforted me about it. I told him about dropping the bet and he was cool with it, but we didn't really talk about it." Rye couldn't help the blush that formed on his cheeks when talking about Sonny, he just hoped Brooklyn didn't notice.

"Ooh! Is someone blushing?" Brook squealed excitedly.

"No," Rye mumbled, pouting and looking away from Brook.

"Sure," Brook teased, taking the opportunity to steal some of the food Rye was eating while he wasn't looking at him.

"I'm not," Rye assured him.

"Uh huh," Brook sarcastically agreed. "I know."

"Okay, fine, maybe I was," Rye grumbled, his face becoming even redder than before.

"And why, exactly, were you blushing?" Brook pushed.

"I don't know. I think I might like Sonny?" Rye phrased as more of a question.

"Ooh! Yay!" Brook squealed, again.

"Stop it, Brook! You're making it seem like we're 12 year old girls right now!"

"I thought we were, though?" Brook teased.

"Shut up!" Rye rolled his eyes. "Hey, did you steal my food?" Rye asked.

"Maybe," Brook dragged out the word.

"Rude," Rye laughed.

Over at Andy's, both him and Jack were having a good time. Who knew that trying to memorize seemingly random letters and numbers would be fun?

"Wow, this actually isn't as hard as I thought," Jack said.

"Told you!"

"Rye's right, you're a really great teacher, Andy," Jack smiled at the blond boy.

"I really don't think so, but I'll take your word for it," Andy blushed.

"You should," Jack told him.

The two boys continued on with their studies until neither could take anymore science-y-ness.

"What now?" Jack asked, sounding exhausted.

"I dunno," Andy mumbled.

"Actually can I talk to you about something, Jack?" Andy said, sitting up from where he had been laying down on the floor.

"Sure," Jack agreed, looking at the blond from where he was perched on Andy's bed.

"Okay so..."

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