5//the next day

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Okay, so, getting someone to fall in love with another someone is actually a lot more difficult than it may seem. Brook was starting to realize this, as he couldn't figure out any good way to get Rye to like Andy like that. Given, it'd been less than 24 hours, but he should've been able to come up with something by now, right?

Andy, on the other hand, was going over his plan in his head, as well. Rye would probably make a move on him or something. Andy would need to accept, and be eager, but also not seem desperate.

No one could know, besides Brooklyn, of course, that he knew about the bet. Or else, what was the point? He needed to make it seem like he actually liked Rye, as hard as that would be.

They would have to be all touchy-feely with each other. Andy hated that. He hated PDA. He hated touching people, or having people touch him. It wasn't okay. It wasn't normal. Personal space, man!

Anyways, he would have to step outside his comfort zone, which would certainly be hard for him. Why was he doing this again? Oh, yeah. Payback. Was it all really worth it, though? Couldn't he just say he knew about it, tell them off, and be done with it? Brook agreed though, and he was really excited about it. Andy was stuck, now.

Jack, on the other hand, was not excited about the bet. Why the hell had he thought it would be a good idea to dare his best friend to go after his maybe-crush? What kind of dumb ass did that? Oh, yeah, Jack did. There were so many ways this could go wrong, and Jack couldn't help but think of them all.

What if Andy didn't like Rye and got forced into something he didn't want? What if he did like Rye and got hurt when he found out it wasn't real? What if neither of them liked each other, but they got closer and did like each other because of it?

Jack couldn't take it anymore. He got out his phone and called Rye.

"Hello?" Rye asked, tiredly.

"Yeah, Rye?" Jack was frantic.

"What's wrong, you never address people by their first name?" Rye was more awake, and more concerned now.

"It's about the bet," Jack told him.

"What about it?"

Wait, what was Jack planning on doing? Asking Rye to back out of the bet? Hell, no. That was a dead give away of his crush on Andy, which he wanted no one, absolutely no one, to know about. Andy didn't like him, obviously, so why shouldn't Rye go through with this?

"Just want to see how it's going," Jack finally answered.

"Jack, it's been a day. Not even. And I haven't seen Andy at all. We haven't been at school and I don't have his number," Rye said.

"Right, duh. Sorry, Beaumont. Just excited to see how this plays out, I guess," Jack laughed nervously. Excited was one way to put it. Scared shitless, well that was another, more accurate description.

"Okay, then, Jack," Rye sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Rye asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, for sure," Jack answered, still trying to regain his composure.

"Bye, Jack," Rye laughed.

"Yeah, bye."

That conversation did nothing to calm the nerves going through Rye at this point. He was going to have to talk to Andy tomorrow. And make it seem like he had a crush. No offense to the blond boy, but no. He was cute, but not cute enough to have a major crush on like that. Not for Rye, anyways.

He wasn't nervous, like the butterflies in your stomach type of nervous. He was more nervous, like you lied to your parents, got caught and are in deep shit type of nervous.

He didn't want to hurt Andy. Sure, he didn't have a crush on him, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. He didn't deserve to get his heart stepped on. Not that anyone really does, but Andy had done nothing.

Rye wasn't going to back out of this, though. He was just going to make sure that he cut things off with Andy before they got too serious.

There would be no 'I love you's. There would be nothing more than kissing going on, either. Rye refused to do something like that when there was no feelings behind it. And he had no feelings for Andy.

But, Rye had agreed so quickly to the bet, and that was tearing Sonny apart. It was like he had wanted to date Andy. Like he'd wanted to be close to him.

He said he didn't. That it was just for fun, no feelings attached, that type of thing. But it didn't seem like it.

Even if he wouldn't admit it, it was obvious Rye cared for Andy. Rye cared for everyone, but it seemed like more with Andy. Maybe Sonny was just in his head about it, but he felt like there was more there.

Maybe he should've told Jack the bet was a bad idea. Maybe he should've told them it would only lead to heartbreak in the end. Maybe he should've done a lot of things, though, and he couldn't do anything about it now.

They'd made the bet, and no one was backing out of it. And if someone did, it wouldn't be Sonny. Not first, anyways. His feelings for his best friend didn't need to get in the way of dares and bets and fun. It wasn't worth it.

It's not like he had a chance with Rye, anyways. They were best friends. Nothing more. That would be weird, right?

As much as all the boys were thinking, Brook was probably thinking the hardest. He was determined to get Rye to fall in love with Andy. Or at least like him a little bit. 

Brook had made it his mission to be sure that his only friend was happy, even if it meant crushing someone else's heart. He was willing to do it. The only question was how to make it happen. This stupid bet was, no doubt, only going to cause trouble.

1039 words
so I'm genuinely really loving this story.
update on my life, if you wanna know: so my solo for choir a few days ago went pretty well, it think. new news, I have a school dance on Friday night, and imma go with friends, but I'm still nervous about it for some reason.

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