10//the rain

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"Brook, what the hell were you going to tell me before we left?" Jack practically yelled through the phone later that night.

"Honestly? I don't remember. What were we talking about?" Brook asked.

"Oh my god, Brook! I've been anxious about what it was ALL NIGHT! And you don't even remember?"

"Sorry? What were we talking about, though?" Brook asked, again.

"Ugh, we were talking about who I liked, Brooklyn!" Jack yelled.

"Who? I forgot," at this point, Brook really hadn't forgotten, but Jack was really worked up and Brook found it pretty funny. He wanted to see how Jack would react, but he hadn't really expected Jack to hang up on him. Oh, well. His loss.

The next day at school was, well, interesting to say the least. It was raining when Brook woke up. Oh, walking to school in that would be super fun later.

Brook got ready, anyways, and decided to see if Andy could take him to school.

"Brook, what time is it?" Andy mumbled from the other end of the call.

"Like 7, why?"

"Shit!" Andy yelled, causing Brook to move the phone further away from his ear.

"What's the matter, Fovvs?" Brook asked.

"I just didn't realize the time. I just woke up. I gotta go and get ready Brook, sorry," Andy said, hanging up. Welp, there goes that plan.

He decided to call Jack instead. He was the one who'd given him a ride yesterday, maybe he could today, too.

"What the hell do you want, Brooklyn?" Jack asked.

"So umm, ya know how I don't have a car?" Brook asked.


"Well it's kinda pouring outside currently..." Brook trailed off.

"So you need a ride?" Jack guessed.

"If you wouldn't mind? I mean, if you can't, don't worry it's fine. It's just that Andy couldn't, and I figured since you took me yesterday, I don't know I just-"

"Yes, Brook, it's fine. I'll be there in 5. But one thing," Jack said.


"You have to tell me whatever your news for me yesterday was," Jack told him.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Brook agreed. He was going to have to come up with something, considering he'd already forgotten whatever 'news' he had yesterday.

Less than five minutes passed, and Brook was in the passenger seat of Jack's car, just like yesterday.

"You called me just in time, Brooklyn," Jack said.

"What do you mean?"

"I was about to pull out of my driveway when you called me. Lucky you're on the way," Jack laughed.

"Wait, you live that close to me?" Brook asked, confused by this new information.

"No, you live that close to me," Jack laughed.

"Oh, okay. My bad," Brook rolled his eyes.

"Hey, by the way, I'm picking Rye up, too, so if you're gonna tell me the news, tell me now," Jack said, wanting the information on Andy as quick as possible.

"I'll wait until we pick him up. I think he might want to hear it too," Brook grinned, eager to stir the pot again. Brook loved to hear the drama, make the drama, watch the drama. He'd never really gotten the chance before, and it was exciting to him. He hadn't figured out the consequences of drama yet, and he saw no harm in creating just a little trouble for his new-found friends.

Jack didn't know what to say to this. Maybe the news wasn't good at all. Maybe Andy liked Rye. Maybe he didn't like either of them though. Maybe he liked Brook or Sonny. He wouldn't know anything for sure until Brook told him and Rye, so he just drove to Rye's.

Rye opened the passenger side door, and almost sat on top of Brook before realizing someone was there, in his spot.

"Shit, sorry, mate," Rye stepped back, opting to use the back seat instead. All three boys started cracking up.

"Hey, Rye, Brook's gonna ride with us, today, too," Jack said through giggles.

"Good to know, thanks," Rye rolled his eyes, still laughing.

Once they all got their laughter under control, Jack started driving again.

"Andy likes someone in the group," Brook casually said. "I don't know who, though," he quickly added.

"What do you mean?" Rye asked, as Jack choked on thin air.

"Well, he said it's not me, so it's either one of you, or Sonny," Brook explained. Wow, he was a good liar. Maybe he should rethink joining theatre.

"Hmm, that's interesting information," Jack tried to speak, but again choked on his words. He had no idea why, though. It wasn't that big of a deal. He liked Rye. Rye "liked" him. They could date. They could be happy. And Jack would be happy for them.

Jack didn't speak at all for the rest of the drive to school. Brook and Rye could physically feel the tension coming off of him, and also chose to stay silent.

As soon as they pulled into the parking lot, Jack cut the engine and Rye jumped out, running to the doors as to not get wet. Jack stayed put, though, and Brook chose to stay with him. After a few deep breaths, Jack decided he could be okay to get out now. He hadn't realized Brook also stayed, and was surprised to see him next to him again once they got out.

Brook silently took Jack's hand, and the pair ran into the school, trying their best not to get wet. Once they got in, safe from the rain, they continued holding hands. Honestly, neither had really even realized. They made their way to their lockers together.

Neither had realized the mistake that would end up being until Harvey made his way up to the pair of them. "What do you two think you're doing?" Harvey sneered.

"Umm, getting my stuff out of my locker," Jack said unnacustomed to Harvey's "greetings".

Brook, on the other hand, was, and opted to keeping his head down and ignoring him. "Stupid fucking gays, holding hands in the hall," Harvey spat in their direction. He walked between the two boys, shoving them both into lockers on either side of the hall, before continuing on in the opposite direction.

Jack got up off the ground to try to find Brook, but he wasn't in the hall anymore.

1050 words
I love Harv, sorryyy

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