7//the study date

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On the drive to Jack's house, him and Brook got to talking. Turns out, they both moved to this town before starting high school. Well, Brook only moved from a few towns over, but Jack had come all the way from Ireland. It still counts, though, right?

Jack had met Rye and Sonny in the bathroom that first day at school and he'd just joined in their group.

Brook, on the other hand, had been friend-less, and even bullied by Harvey for months when he first moved. That was back in middle school, before he'd found Andy. They realized quickly they were both nerds and got into their routines of not talking to each other. They clicked as "friends" and stuck around each other constantly, because when it comes to Harvey and his friends, there's always safety in numbers.

Jack and Brook had got lost in their conversation in the car. So much so that Jack had actually lost them on the roads to his house.

"Brooklyn, do you know where we are?" Jack asked.

"Umm, no. I have no idea where your house is," Brook rolled his eyes. "Have you got us lost?"

"Maybe," Jack admitted sheepishly.

"Here, take us there," Brook ordered, handing Jack his phone, pulled up to his address in Google maps.

Jack started driving and eventually they got to Brook's house. Brook didn't say a word, just got out of the car and started walking toward his door.

"Bye," Jack whispered sarcastically.

"Are you coming?" Jack heard Brooklyn yell from outside the car. Quickly, he scrambled to unbuckle his seatbelt and turn off the car. He followed Brook inside his house, and to his room.

Across town, Rye and Andy sat across from each other on the floor of Andy's bedroom. They were going through the material for Stanley's class. Andy was having Rye explain it all to him, and whenever he got stuck, Andy would help him through it.

Eventually, Rye had gone through the entire thing without any mistakes or confusion. He immediately got up and started jumping around in celebration.

"Woah, calm down a little bit," Andy told him, standing up as well.

"I can't believe I finally got it!" Rye celebrated. He wrapped his arms around Andy's neck, tightly before he realized what he was doing.

"Sorry," he pulled away, blushing and smiling nervously.

"It's fine," Andy assured him with a smile.

"I'm just really excited!"

"I'm excited for you, Rye. I'm proud of you for sticking to it," Andy praised.

"It's easier to understand with you explaining it," Rye told him.

"Stanley is a crap teacher," Andy said, not feeling like Rye's success had to do with him at all.

"Not as good as you," Rye agreed.

"You didn't need my help, Rye. It was all you," Andy said, not liking the attention. At all.

"No, Andy. I did need your help. I was stuck on this for weeks, and in less than an hour, you taught it to me."

"Okay, fine. I helped. But it's mostly thanks to yourself. You really are smart, Rye," Andy told him, just wanting this conversation to be over. He wasn't used to attention or compliments, and he didn't take them very well.

"Thanks, Andy!" Rye smiled, loving the attention.

"Let's go celebrate," Andy suggested.

"Okay, how?" Rye asked curiously.

"Ice cream!"

"I'm down," Rye agreed.

"Okay, let's go, then!" Andy grabbed Rye's hand and raced down the stairs to his car.


"So, you like any girls?" Brook asked Jack.

"No, not really," he answered honestly.

"How about any guys?"

"Oh, umm," Jack stuttered over his words. "Not, uh, not really. No. Not at all. Definitely not."

"Ooh, spill!" Brook leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table between them and his chin in his hands.

"I just told you. I don't like any guys," Jack blushed, looking down hoping that Brook wouldn't see. As if.

"You face is as red as a tomato, Jack. I know you're lying," Brook rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I do like a guy," Jack mumbled.

"I know that. Spill!" Brook was getting excited. He hated to admit it, but he loved the drama. It was like a comic book, except in real life, with real people. Insane!

"Umm, he's in our group," he mumbled.

"Rye?" Brook asked.

"No," Jack blushed.


"GOD, NO!" Jack yelled, disgusted by even the thought.

"Okay, then it's either Andy or me, and for the sake of not having to let you down easy, I'm going to hope it's Andy," Brook said. If it was Brook that Jack liked, he probably would've ran out of the room crying. Brook wasn't exactly skilled with words, and didn't realize that if Jack did like him, he probably wouldn't want to hear that Brook hoped he didn't.

"Yeah," Jack whispered. It was more like mouthed, honestly, because next to no sound came out. Brook knew, though. He just knew.

"Yes!" Brook cheered.

"Wow! That happy I don't like you, huh? Am I really that bad?" Jack asked.

"No, it's just that he's my best friend. And besides that, I have news for you!" Brook decided to stir the pot a bit.

Just then, both of their phones buzzed at the same time. They both checked them, having the same message from Andy in a group chat.

A to J, B, R, and S
come to the ice cream shop ASAP

"I'm surprised Andy even knows what ASAP means," Brooklyn laughed, causing Jack to giggle as well. Both had forgotten about the 'news' already. Well, that was a lie. Brook had forgotten about it. But Jack hadn't. No. Definitely not.

944 words
happy thanksgiving to those that celebrate it!🦃❤

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