Eli's Rules

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Chapter #7

Olivia's Point Of View

I walked into the kitchen with Eli and we began making a simple lunch for everybody.
" Mommy, can I tell you something?" he asked me sweetly as he closed the fridge.

I kneeled down to his eye level and looked him in the eyes. " Of course, baby. You can tell me anything." I reassured.
" I love you." he said as he wrapped his little arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

" Aww, baby. I love you too." I said as I kissed his cheek. I was about to begin making lunch again, when I heard someone in the kitchen doorway clear their throat.

" Eli, are you trying to take mommy away from me?" asked Elliot in a playfully jealous tone.

"No, it's just that I'm so cute that mommy loves me more than you, daddy." said Eli cutely.

Elliot gasped playfully in disbelief and turned to look over at me. " Is that true mommy?" he asked mischievously.

" Mmm, I'm sorry, daddy, but yes, yes it is." I said as I hugged Eli. "Oh really? Then, I guess I'll have to take mommy away so she can love me more." said Elliot as he walked toward me and picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
" No, daddy. That's not fair. Mommy is mine, you have to follow the rules." said Eli strictly with his arms crossed.

" Elliot." I said as I laughed and he kissed me all over my face. "What rules, big boy?" asked Elliot curiously.
" Okay, look. First, you can't touch mommy at all while I'm around. Second, you have to share her with all of us. And third, you have to follow all of the rules and if you don't, you can't touch her at all, even when we're not there." Eli said strictly.

" How am I supposed to do all of that? I can barely even be 15 minutes without her." Elliot protested as he pecked my lips.
"I don't know, daddy but you have to." said Eli with a big smile.

Elliot set me down, and grabbed my ass as he pulled me closer to him. " After they go to sleep, you're all mine. Fuck those rules." he said seductively as he bit my earlobe. I couldn't help but feel turned on, it was crazy how with only a couple of his words, I would get completely aroused.

" Daddy!" Eli exclaimed as he saw Elliot's hand resting on my ass.

"Sorry, buddy. But I mean have you seen your mommy? How am I supposed to manage not to touch her?" he said as he checked me out.

" Okay, guys I get it. But we have to make lunch for the rest of the kids and we're not gonna get anything done by arguing." I said as I continued making the food. "Okay, whatever you say, mommy." teased Elliot.

When we finished making the lunch, we took it into the living room where everyone else was at and sat it on the table for everyone to dig in.

We finished eating and Elliot played a movie on the TV. I was sitting on Elliot's lap on one couch while Lizzie, Maureen, and Kathleen sat on the large couch and Dick sat with Eli is the smaller one.

Eli was already fast asleep so he didn't say anything about Elliot and I sitting together.

The girls were watching the movie and so was Dickie, but Elliot kept on touching me and it was driving me crazy.

" Elliot." I giggled as he slid his hand between my thighs and started rubbing me. 

He began unbuttoning my jeans and slid his hand in my panties.

"Elliot, not here baby." I moaned as he began rubbing my clit.

He began moving his fingers through my slit and it was only making me wetter.

" Mmm, you're so wet, baby." he whispered in my ear seductively.

" Uh, E-Elliot." I moaned softly as he thrusted his fingers into me.

"Let's go to the bedroom." he said as he bit my ear. "What about the kids?" I asked. "They're already asleep." he replied, as he turned to look at them.

" Okay, let's go." I said with a smile as he picked me up  and walked to the room quietly.

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