A Misunderstanding

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Chapter #27

Olivia's Point Of View

After seeing Elliot in the hospital room I spoke to his doctor. "How long do you think he'll have to be here for?" I asked.

"Only a couple of days, after he's released he'll have to rest for a couple more days until he can go back to work." He explained.

"Okay, thank you." I told him as he began to walk away. I made my way toward the waiting room where everyone else was at, and I told them what the doctor had said. "I'm glad he's fine." Captain Cragen said as he stood up from the chair. "Olivia, please go home and rest." He told me as he grabbed his coat and put it on.

"As if that's gonna stop her from spending the night here with Elliot." Fin said with a smile as he stood up as well. I smiled back at him and watched him and our captain leave. Maureen and the kids left home and I went into Elliot's hospital room.

"Hey," I told him softly with a small smile. "Hey," He replied as he moved to the side to make space for me in the hospital bed. "Come here." He said as he patted the space next to him. I got in bed with him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you, you know that right?" He asked me out of the blue. "I know, and I love you too." I told him as I looked up at him. "I also know that you're trying to approach the subject that I want to avoid." I told him. "I just want to clear things up with you, I don't like it when we argue or when we don't speak to each other. I need you, Olivia. You have to know that what happened was a misunderstanding." He explained.

"I know, Elliot. I just don't understand why she'd kiss you." I said. "Well, when Kathy and I separated, I started to drink a lot, yes I was the one who had filed for a divorce, but I wasn't going to see the kids as much anymore, and you know how much my kids mean to me.

So, I would go to the bar pretty often and Kim works there so when I would get really drunk she'd call a cab and help me get home. One night I was extremely drunk and instead of calling the cab she took me home, I was drunk but not up to the point that I didn't know what was going on, so we had sex and ever since then she's tried to talk to me, but then a couple of weeks after you and I started dating I completely ignored her. That night she was waiting outside of the restroom for me and when I tried to tell her that you and I were dating she just kissed me and I pushed her away and then everything else happened." He explained.

"You didn't think we had actually kissed did you?" He asked me. "In the beginning I did, I didn't stay there for long to see you push her away. Later, I realized that you'd never do that and that I had to let you explain, I still stayed mad at you because I was mad at the fact that you didn't do anything when she kissed your cheek in front of all of us." I told him.

"That's because I really wasn't expecting her to do that, well I really wasn't expecting any of it. But that threw me off guard the most, I didn't think she'd do that in front of y'all." He explained.

"Its fine, I'm just glad we're finally over this." I told him. "Yeah, so am I. I can't believe this is what our first fight was about." He said with a laugh.

"Yeah, we kind of started off with a tough one." I told him with a laugh. "That we did. Does this mean we can have make up sex?" He whispered in my ear.

"Elliot! You're supposed to rest for the next couple of days, and we're definitely not gonna do that here." I told him as I raised my head off of his chest.

"And who said anything about doing it here? I meant if we could do it after I left the hospital." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up, Elliot. You know you're just trying to switch this up on me." I told him with a smile. "I would never." He told me as he leaned down to try and kiss me.

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