You Owe Me A Shirt : Part #1

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Yes , i do realize it's been a PHATT min since I've last updated this fanfic , but hopefully these upcoming chapters will make up for this time . 😬💘. i hadn't gotten on wattpad in a while , so when i did this morning , i noticed that this fanfic has 1k views !!! 🥳🥳 anyway , i'm gonna finish this chapter real quick for y'all , and thanks for the views !!! 🥰💘

Chapter #19

The next morning Elliot woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon , ' My favorite .' He thought to himself with a bright smile. He got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up.

When he finished, he made his way toward the kitchen and heard a pan fall, "Fuck!" Olivia groaned, as the pan fell straight down to the floor. Elliot immediately thought something had happened and he quickly made his way toward her. "Are you okay, babe?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I didn't wanna wake you up." She said. "It's fine babe, you have to be more careful though, you could have gotten hurt." He told her.

"Babe, you make it seem like I dropped a whole house , it was only a pan." She said with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah, well that pan could've been hot and it could've fallen on your foot or something." He told her.

"Okay, I'll be more careful." She told him. "Promise?" He asked. "I promise." She reassured.

"This for me?" He asked as he grabbed a piece of bacon and bit it. "Yeah, l was gonna make you breakfast in bed, but l can't do anything waking you up." She sighed.

Elliot laughed and kissed her forehead. "Thanks, my love. I appreciate it." He told her sincerely. "Come on, let's eat." He told her as he helped her set the table.

They began to eat in peace, and in a couple of minutes they were finished. "What do you wanna do today?" She asked him as he washed the dishes they had just used. " I don't know, but I do owe you a new shirt." He reminded her.

"You're right. I need some other stuff too, so are you sure you want to go with me to the mall?" She asked him as he finished washing the dishes.

"Yeah, I wanna spend time with you, even if it means I have to go with you to the mall and see you waste all of my money." He said with a chuckle.

"You're horrible." She told him as she slapped him arm playfully. "I'm gonna go get ready, I won't take long." She said as she headed toward their bedroom to get ready.

Meanwhile she got ready, he changed into a simple T-shirt, a pair of light blue jeans, and some Nike shoes. When he finished he decided to wait for her in the living room while watching tv. A couple of minutes later, she emerged from their bedroom wearing some tight dark jeans, a white V-cut blouse, and a pair of cute flats.

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