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At The Precinct...

Olivia's Point Of View:

Elliot and I got to the precinct and kissed one last time before going inside the building.

"Ugh, I don't know if I'll be able to see you and not kiss you." he told me. "Me either, but we can always have a quickie in the cribs or even in the locker rooms." I teased. "Really?!" he asked suprised.

"I'm just playing, Elliot. That's too risky." I told him. "That makes everything even better." he said as he pecked my lips. "Come on, let's go." I said as I pulled away and began to get off of the car. We both got off and began to walk toward the precinct, Elliot came up behind me and slapped my ass hard. "Elliot!" I exclaimed, thinking someone might have seen us.

"What? Your ass looks good in those pants." He complimented innocently with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him playfully and continued walking. "If you keep that up we're going straight to sleep when we go home." I warned. "What the heck am I doing?" He asked.

"You know exactly what you're doing, Stabler." I said. "Fine, fine I'll stop." He said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

We walked into the precinct and as soon as we walked in we were met with a chaotic bullpen. Officers were walking around in a hurry, telephones were ringing relentlessly, everyone just seemed to be in their own zone, doing their own thing all at once.

Elliot and I looked at each other and knew exactly what was ahead of us. Cragen stepped out of his office and called us inside.

"We were only gone for a couple of days, what happened?" Elliot asked as he closed the door behind him. "We've caught a few cases, Munch is extremely sick and Fin had a family emergency. My only options was you all, I'm really sorry if I ruined any of your plans." He apologized.

"It's fine, Cap." I reassured. "Okay, well as you all know. With this relationship you all have going on IAB is gonna be far up my ass, but as long as you all follow protocol I think everything will be fine." He said as he handed us a paper with all of the rules we had to follow in order to continue dating.

"Think you all can manage?" He asked. "Yeah, it should be fine." I said as Elliot and I skimmed through the paper quickly. "Alright, well let's get to work." He said. "We're on it Cap." I said as Elliot and I walked out of his office, and got ready to work.

I sat at my desk and Elliot sat across from me. We began to finish up some paperwork and then went to take a victims statement from a case we had caught.

When we got back from the hospital Fin and Munch were at the precinct helping us out. They sat at their desks and made comments about Elliot and I. "Hey, Liv. I thought lipstick went on your lips not on your neck." Munch commented on my hickies as Fin high-fived him and laughed.

"Very funny, Munch." I snapped as I rolled my eyes at him. Elliot threw a crumpled paper at him and hit him on the face. "Look old man, we all know you haven't gotten any in years, but hey there's no reason to hate." Elliot said with a shrug as Fin and I laughed. "Yeah, Yeah, whatever." Munch said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

Elliot and I left to get a warrant for our suspect's house, while Fin and Munch worked on another case.

"How long did he say we had to wait?" Asked Elliot as we sat in the car outside of the courthouse, waiting for the judge to call a recess in trial so he could sign our warrant.

"Uhh, about 15 more minutes." I said with a sigh. I looked out the window and watched as very few people passed by. Elliot took off his seatbelt and leaned over close to me, " Think we have time for a quickie?" He asked as he kissed my jaw softly and nibbles on my earlobe.

"Mmm, I think we do, but you know what?" I asked. "What?" He asked seductively with a grin. "I want a coffee instead." I said teasingly. "W-What are you serious? Way to kill the mood, Liv." He said as he moved away from me. "You coming?" I asked as I took off my seatbelt to go get a coffee. "I would be if you wouldn't have asked for coffee." He said as I laughed.

We got off and we each bought a cup of much needed warm coffee. We made our way back to the car and talked for a while, time passing by faster than we expected. We went back into the courthouse and and got our warrant signed.

We drove to the suspect's house and called for back up just in case. We found sufficient evidence in his apartment to arrest him. The tape and knife he used to rape our victims were found in one of his drawers.

We went back to the precinct and took the suspect with us. We interrogated him and eventually he confessed to raping her.

Elliot and I began the paperwork on that case and when we finished we helped Fin and Munch with the case they were working on.

6 hours later...

"I'm so exhausted." I whined as I rested my head on Elliot's chest. "So am I, I just wanna go home and cuddle with you." Elliot told me as he ran his fingers through my hair.

We were in the cribs laying down on one of the cots, it had been a long couple of hours. We were all over the place, doing line ups, taking suspects into custody, taking statements, and getting warrants.

"Wanna go home for a bit?" He asked as he kissed my neck tenderly. "Mmhm." I moaned tiredly. He sat up and pecked my lips. "I'll go tell Cragen." He said.

He came back a few minutes later and told me we could go home. "See you all later." I told Fin and Munch as Elliot and I got ready to leave. "Hey I wanna go home early for a booty call too." Joked Munch. "Good luck with that." I commented as I grabbed my coat off of my chair.

"Finally." I exclaimed as we got home and I layed down on the couch tiredly. "Yeah, I finally get to be with you." He said as he laid next to me and cuddled with me. We fell asleep for a couple of hours until we were woken up by our cellphones ringing.

We went back to the precinct and continued to work relentlessly. Taking quick naps in the cribs and continuing with interrogations and paperwork. Barely getting any sleep, but somehow we made it through.

the next chapter is pure smut , so if that's your thing then you're in the right place . 😉🤪

if y'all have any ideas for the next chapters , feel free to let me know . 🖤

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