Olivia's Birthday Part 2

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Chapter #10

Elliot's Point Of View

When we got to the park Olivia and I chose a table to sit in and the kids ran straight to the playground.

Olivia and I set our stuff on the table and began making sandwiches for the kids.

When we finished, I walked away from our table and made a quick phone call.

" Who was it?" asked Olivia as I walked back to the table. " Oh, uh it was just Kathy checking up on the kids." I lied.

"Oh okay." she said simply with a smile.

We sat down on the table and watched the kids play.
" Thank you." Olivia said as she stared at me intently. " For what?" I asked. " For loving me." she said as she layed her head on my shoulder. " You don't have to thank me for that. I'll always love you, no matter what." I said sincerely as I pecked her lips softly.

" Sorry to interrupt your lovely moment, but we're hungry." said Lizzie. " Daddy, you're not supposed to be touching mommy, remember?" said Eli as he got in between Olivia and I and pulled her away from me.

" Wait, what. Isn't there an exception for today? She's the birthday girl." I asked. " Nope, rules are rules." said Eli strictly. "Fine, I guess I can share her with you all for a little while, but when you're done, she's all mine, okay?" I said.

The kids began to eat their sandwiches and when they finished they went back to the playground and dragged us with them.

" Babe, your phone's ringing." I said as I handed to her.
" Benson." she said as she answered the phone call.
" Happy birthday, Olivia." said Captain Cragen. "Thank you, Don." she said sweetly. " Mhhm, Elliot already told me about you all." he said. " Oh yeah, uh are you okay with it." she asked nervously. " Yeah, it's fine with me, as long as he treats you well. And if he ever hurts you, let me know." he said protectively. " He won't Cap, but thank you." she said with a smile.
" You're welcome." he said as he hung up.

" Mommy, come play with us." Eli shouted from the playground. She handed me her phone, pecked my lips, and ran off toward Eli.

" Mommy, look at me." Eli said proudly as he got on the slide and slid down. " Wow, that's awesome, baby." said Liv sweetly.
" Your turn, mommy." said Eli.

Olivia's Point Of View

I slid down the slide and when I got to the end of the slide Elliot was waiting for me. " You scared me." I said with a small laugh. He hovered over me and kissed me deeply. I melted it his embrace and kissed him back. We made out for a while until a little voice broke us from our moment.

" Eww, daddy let mommy go." Eli said demanded as Elliot bit down on my bottom lip.

Elliot pulled back and helped me get up from the slide. " Sorry buddy." said Elliot with a smile.

We played with the kids for about an hour longer and ate ice cream.

" Y'all ready to go?" asked Elliot as we gathered our things. " Yup." said Eli as the rest of us nodded.

We walked back to the car and set all of or things inside and drove back home, or so I thought.

" Where are we going, babe?" I asked Elliot as he took a wrong turn.

" You'll see when we get there." he said with a smirk.

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