3: "So...wanna be friends?"

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We continue our walk in silence, my ears twitching as I keep my focus on the surrounding area. My thoughts go around in circles, Poppa's words steady in the middle. It surprised me as much as it did them to find my wolf to be as large as it is, especially with my...condition.

I'm shaken from my train of thought when a multitude of voices enter my ears, my eyes snapping from the ground and to the people around me. My breath catches in my throat as I see more than a few pairs of inquisitive eyes on me, their heads tilted to the side in thought and confusion. I spare them a quick glance before keeping my eyes on my parents as they greet the curious pack members.

I stay behind them, trying to hide as much as possible even though they'll see me as soon as my parents move forward and away from me. It's hard, trying not to be disrespectful but trying not to give in to my anxiety every time I catch someone's eyes. I take deep breaths, filling my lungs to capacity and letting it out slowly.

"Wendy! Peter!" A voice calls out from somewhere on my right, making us and a few others turn to the woman running towards us. "I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever." She says, hugging both of them quickly.

"We saw you three days ago Patricia." Momma says jokingly.

I snap my head up as the name registers in my brain, my eyes landing on her just as she turns to look at me. She seems surprised, then excited all in the span of three seconds as she stares at me.

"Is this him?" She asks, taking a step forward that I counter with one back.

"Yes, this is our precious son." Momma says, glancing between us.

"Hey, hun. I'm sure you don't remember me, last time I saw you was eleven years ago." She says softly.

"I do." I whisper

"That's great honey, I can't wait to catch up." She says with a smile. "So where are you guys heading?"

"Nowhere really, just roaming the village."

"Why don't you guys come to mine for a little while?"

"Will Bill mind?"

"Of course not, he's actually been planning on visiting you guys, so this will be a nice surprise." She says, turning and smiling at me before starting a conversation with my parents as they walk away.

I follow behind, keeping enough distance between us to keep my mind sane but still having them in my sights. Patricia gains a lot of attention as she walks through the village, pack members stopping her to talk about their problems or any issues they might have and asking her to talk to Bill.

A few minutes of walking through the village and we come up to a decently sized house, a few stories tall and pretty wide. It's a cabin styled mansion, wooden pillars that look like full tree trunks holding up the floors and balconies. People walk in and out of the house, making it seem more like the commune it is rather than a private house. Patricia opens the door and leads us through the house, pointing out the different rooms as she passes them.

"Bill said to go right on in when we get here." Patricia says as she opens the door to Bill's office. We all walk in, Patricia moving to his side and kissing his cheek before sitting in a chair next to him, my parents and I sitting in the chairs in front of his desk.

"Wendy, Peter, this is a nice surprise."

"Is it really a surprise if Patricia let you know we were coming?" Poppa jokes after greeting Bill.

"Well, I guess not. Although someone here definitely is a surprise." He says as he looks at me, a smile on his face. "I'm not sure if you remember me, son, but I'm Bill O'Reily, Alpha of this here fine pack."

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