7: "It's...complicated."

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I sit up with a choked gasp, my heart beating impossibly fast. I place my hand on my chest and feel the cool metal of the compass against my heated skin. The dream, no memory, replays in my head over and over, that same face smiling back at me. His face looks different but the same, eleven years and puberty will do that to you. His warm eyes still make me melt, his pretty face still makes my heart flutter.

"How could I have forgotten?" I whisper to myself, sighing as my heart beats quickly for a completely different reason now. "Tristan."

Duh. It's Patricia's son, how could I not connect the dots right away? I shake my head and blame it on trauma induced amnesia.

Doesn't matter now, he doesn't know who I am. I sigh, laying back down and snuggling into my sheets.

I screw my eyes shut, groaning when I lay there but don't fall asleep, my fingers unconsciously playing with the pendant. How did he lose it, and when? The old lady said she found it in the forest, so it must've been before he left to find his mate.

A pang in my chest makes me wince, reminding me that my childhood crush should stay exactly there, in my childhood. I check the time and groan, only four in the morning, meaning I only slept for three and a half hours. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling, smiling at the glow in the dark stars staring back at me.

A memory of Tristan making Poppa hold him up towards the ceiling to put the stars on the ceiling makes me smile, my head tilted to the side on my pillow. More memories flood into my head, as if there was a dam waiting for me to finally remember him before giving me my memories back. The memories seem to relax me as I close my eyes and snuggle into my sheets, falling into a half sleep.

"Dylan, wake up sweetie."


"We're going to the village, come with us."

"Okay, give me a minute." I tell her, pushing the sheets away and trudging towards the bathroom.

After doing my business and finding something comfortable to wear, I walk out of my room and down into the kitchen. I furrow my brows when I don't see or smell any food, turning when Poppa comes in with a chuckle.

"We're eating with Patricia and Bill." He says, nodding towards Momma who's waiting patiently by the front door. I nod and follow him, keeping silent as we walk down to the village.

We make it to the pack house in no time, my parents having their own conversation as we walk in. Patricia and Bill meet us at the entrance, greeting us and making conversation with my parents as they walk towards the dining area. We all walk in and I inhale deeply at the delicious aroma floating around, a few pack members seated along the large, rectangular table. They greet us before going back to their own conversations.

Bill sits at the head of the table with Patricia to his right, Poppa and Momma on his left. I sit next to Momma, across from the spot that would've been Tristan's if he was here. A few pack members come out of the kitchen and set a plate full of food in front of each of us, one pouring our desired drink into our cups. We thank them before they go back into the kitchen, digging in almost immediately after.

"Any plans for today, Dylan?" Bill asks me after wiping his mouth.

"I'm not sure."

"A few of us are going into town for a few things we need, want to come with us?" He asks.

"Sure, sounds like fun." I tell him calmly, yet on the inside I'm freaking out.

Why did I have to say yes? Why couldn't I tell him I had plans already?

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