15: "You're all woman, baby."

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CW/TW: Major dysphoria and body mutilation, please don't read if this will trigger you in any way.

I sigh as I feel the grass scratching at my face, the blanket having moved as I shifted in my sleep. I groan and move onto my back, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I push myself into a sitting position with my free hand.  I shift until I'm sitting against the tree, my face raised and soaking up the warmth of the Sun. 

I frown as a breeze flows around me, not because it doesn't feel nice, but because it makes me aware of the sundress adorning my body. I glance down and stare in horror at the way my full chest pushes against the soft fabric. I slowly lift my hands to prod and squeeze, making sure they're really there. 

I gag harshly, leaning to the side and feeling my overgrown hair hang around my shoulders and down my back. I quickly scramble to my feet and run to the nearest body of water, which seems to be a small pond not too far away from me. I land on my knees and lean over the surface of the water, staring in horror at the face looking back at me.

My blue eyes stare back at me from a heart shaped face surrounded by long, brown hair that seems to hang to my waist. My eyes are lined with eyeliner, my lashes long and curved upwards, lipstick darkening my plush lips. My hands touch every inch of my face, moving down over my protruding chest again. I stop at  my toned abdomen, my hands shaking as I pause my inspection. 

I finally gain the courage to travel lower, my hands shaking more and more as I move downward. I pause again before taking a deep breath and placing my hands over my genitals.


I lurch to the side and hurl, my stomach emptying itself on the grass, my body heaving painfully as I begin to dry heave.

"Rhea." I hear from somewhere behind me, but I pay it no mind as I continue gagging. "Rhea! Rhea, baby!"

I finally look back, preparing myself to scream at the person confusing me with someone else. I choke on my own words as I see Tristan running towards me, his face full of worry. I get off my knees and wipe at my mouth as I run towards him, panicking slightly.

"Tristan!" I cry out, cringing at the feminine voice that leaves my lips. Tears brim at the corner of my eyes as I meet him. "Tristan, something's wrong!"

"Baby, are you okay? I didn't see you at the tree and I got worried." He says, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me to his chest.

"Tristan, something's wrong!" I try again, trying to push away from him.

He pulls back but doesn't let go of me, his eyes glancing over my body as he turns me side to side.

"I don't see anything wrong." He says, his brows furrowed.

"What the hell are you talking about? Tristan," I cry out, "I have boobs and a vagina!"

"Babe," he chuckles, "of course you do. That's what happens when you're a woman."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not a woman, Tristan, I'm a man."

"Rhea, what the hell are you talking about?" He asks with a laugh. "You're all woman, baby." He goes to kiss me, but I pull back enough to make him let go.

"No I'm not! And my name isn't Rhea, it's Dylan, I changed it a long time ago!" I shout, my body trembling.

"Rhea, did you have a nightmare? Baby, look at me. Nothing's wrong with you, okay? You're not a man, there's nothing wrong with your beautiful body, you're not disgusting. You're Selene's most beautiful and perfect creation, she doesn't make mistakes baby. Do we have to set up another appointment with Doctor Amy?" Tristan asks, reaching out to me, but I pull back.

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