10: "I need help."

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After finally moving slightly away from each other, I notice that neither Bill nor Patricia are in the room with us. Tristan notices as well and smiles to himself, taking hold of my hand and leading me towards the couch, gently setting me down as he sits next to me. He places an arm around my shoulder while the other holds one of my hands in his large one, as if he needs to be touching a part of me at all times. He smiles down at our intertwined hands, a look of pure joy in his eyes and plastered on every inch of his face.

"What'd you tell my parents to keep them here?" He asks suddenly, a curious tilt to his head.

"Um, that I want to travel to other packs and find my mate." I say with an embarrassed smile.

"Really now." His hum sounds amused.

"Yeah. I didn't think for one second I wouldn't have to do that." I chuckle.

"And to think I was traveling from pack to pack and my mate was sitting right here." He says, pointing to the spot I'm currently sitting on. I raise a questioning brow at him. "When I sat here, your scent just poured out of the cushions."

"Oh." I say with a blush. "Yeah I'm here a lot."

"I know."

"For the last time, I didn't wait here for your calls. I just happened to be in here when you did."

"And you expect me to believe that?" He says with a guffaw.

"Of course I do, because I'm telling the truth." I tell him, scowling and turning my face away from him.

"Hey now." He murmurs, gently grabbing my chin and turning my face back to him. "Don't take those pretty blues away from me." I blush at his soft words but don't move away from him.

He hums lowly as he runs his eyes over me, the hand that was placed around my shoulders moving up and playing with strands of my wavy brown hair.

"Blue eyes. Freckles. My weaknesses." He murmurs, making me blush brightly. "Mm, easily embarrassed and easy to blush."

"Stop." I whine, pouting up at him.


"You're..." I trail off, my pout turning into a scowl.

"I'm what? Hmm? Embarrassing you?" He teases with a deep smirk.

I don't answer him as I keep the scowl on my face, glaring at him.

"Fine, I'll stop for now." He says with a laugh.

"Why do you like doing that?"


"Teasing me like that."

"I like the look on your face. I hope you never get used to it and keep blushing the way you do." He says.

I roll my eyes but snuggle deeper into his embrace.

"What now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're my mate and the Alphas' son. What happens now?"

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to. You can keep living with your parents until you're ready to move into the pack house, and even then you don't have to stay in my room with me. We can go out on dates if you want, get to know each other at your pace."

"I'm not the only one in this though, it shouldn't just be my pace. What do you want to do?"

"If it were up to me, I'd be ravaging you right about now." He says huskily, making my eyes widen. "But that right there, that hint of fear I can see and smell on you, tells me you're not ready for any of that. So if you set the pace then I can keep myself in check." He says softly, staring intently into my eyes.

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