The Sky Awaits

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We arrive back at the castle. A few Walkers nod respectfully to me, but we manage to get into my room relatively unnoticed.

"What are going to do, Uncle? Can we build something?" Zyanya asks, teleporting around.

"Yes, but we aren't going to build an object. We're going to make you a cousin. Now then, where did I put that Nealther Wart and gold?" I answer, digging through a chest.

"There's some in that chest," Zyanya says, pointing to a solitary chest in the corner. Her eyes look glazed over and slightly glow white. I open the chest and sure enough, gold and Nether Wart sit on the top.

"How did you know that?" I ask, placing the items in furnace together.

"I don't know. I just...felt it. Why do you need those anyway?" Zyanya says, eyes returning to normal.

"I need the Nether Wart to make him strong. The gold is kindness. Hm, I'll add one more of those. Now I need some clay for a body," I reply, pulling little bundles of clay out of a chest.

"He needs one more thing, doesn't he?" Zyanya whispers, noticing the obsidian needle I'd pulled out of my pocket.

"Yes. If we want him to be human and look like us he needs blood. From both of us," I sigh, pulling my mixture out of the furnace and pouring it into a bowl. I prick the palm of my hand, disgusted by the inky blackness of my blood. The droplets drip into the bowl, seeping into the mixture. I clean the needle off and hand it to Zyanya. She pricks her hand, but instead of red or even black, her blood is gold. Her blood turns the mixture a glowing gold color with hints of black mixed in.

"Zyanya, how long has your blood been golden?" I ask, applying a bandaid to the wound.

"Three years ago. It just turned that way after we thought you died," she answers as I place the bowl in a lava pool. Golden blood only happens when a person is meant to have powers. It'll stay gold if they're good and black if they're evil. I look down at my own hand, the blood still slightly visible as I heal.

"Interesting," I say to myself.

"Uncle, how long is it going to take?" Zyanya asks, poking the lava.

"Oh, good your fire retardant too. Um, maybe a few-" the lava explodes and a hand emerges from its bubbling depths. Its a boy with brown hair and glowing golden eyes. He wears a black and grey tunic, with a golden amulet with a purple gem in the center around his neck. He looks the same age as Zyanya.

"Where am I? Who are you?" The boy asks, climbing out of the lava and shaking the hot droplets out of his hair.

"I'm Herobrine, your dad. And this is Zyanya, your cousin. It's good to see you," I answer, hugging my son.

"What's his name, uncle?" Zyanya cuts in, waving at her new cousin.

"Um, I don't know. What is your name, my son?" I ask, releasing him.

"I think it's Sky. Thank you for creating me, dad," Sky thanks, his eyes cooling to brown.

"That's a nice name. Zyanya, do you want to show Sky around, or visit that kingdom I was telling you about?" I ask, cracking the door open to make sure no one was around.

"Where do you want to go Sky?" Zyanya's eyes flash to red," I'll do whatever the master orders," she drones. Her switch back to brown and she smiles at Sky.

"I...uh. I guess the kingdom would be nice," He says in a rush, backing away from Zyanya.

"Ok then. All right you two, let's go," I say, noticing that Sky tries to stay as far away from Zyanya as possible.

This should explain why Sky is the Ask Herobrine. Hope you enjoyed.

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