Darkness Progresses

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"Show me the progress of the darkness, please," I order my control panel. A diagram of human blood vessels flash onto the screen. Some are glowing bright gold, but others are pitch black.
"The darkness has spread to about 48% of her body. Once it reaches 50%, she will stabilize. If she tilts too far to one side, good or bad, it would be catastrophic," The computer explains, zooming in on the heart. Half is golden, the other half is black.
"What am I going to do with her?" I ask myself, letting out a loud sigh, "Bring up the video feed."
The diagram switches to a video of Zyanya's small room. She's hiding in a corner, petting a diamond sword and talking to herself.
"Darkness everywhere. So, so alone..." She mumbles, her eyes shifting between red and brown randomly. The blocks around her are either dull grey and dead looking, or stained with blood.
"It isn't her blood. It appears to be a mixture of Sky's and a few Walker's," My control panel assures me.
"Check in on Herobrine," I order, ignoring the rush of relief that fills my chest. A new diagram flashes on screen. This time everything is black, except one small part. His heart. Herobrine's heart glitters and shines as bright and beautiful as a diamond.
"When you struck your brother with the Ender Healer, you unlocked the primal evil within him, but also enhanced his soul. The darkness can never spread to his entire body. Perhaps, there is a way to make the rest of him like that. Would you like me to begin analyzing the data, Notch?" It asks, bringing up another live video. This time its Herobrine smashing his head into a bedrock block. He's drunk again. No blood falls from his skull, instead the block begins to crack.
"Damn it, Notch!! Why did you have to bring me here!? Your killing our entire family!" Herobrine yells, looking at the bedrock ceiling through his large sky light.
"Stop! I don't want to see this! Turn it off!" I demand, shaking the device.
"Notch! The mirror's going crazy! You gotta come look at this!" Zaraflow informs, his yellow eyes darting around my study nervously.
"What is it this time?" I sigh, following the angel to the center of the temple. The calming, blue glow of the magic mirror is replaced with a blood red light. Even the floating torches burn red.
"I have no idea! It just went like this a few seconds ago! Has Herobrine finally decided to come for us!?" He answers, his wings fluffing up with fear.
"The code of Minecraftia has been disrupted! This world is corrupted and must be removed!" The mirror booms, a blurry image of the cracked bedrock appearing on its surface.
"No. You can't! Please, tell me what to do! I can fix your code!" I plead, fear filling my insides.
"Herobrine, destroyer of the code, must be removed! Forever!" The mirror answers, the harsh glow dying down.
"Zaraflow. Bring me the Infinity Scroll," I order sadly, not moving my eyes off the mirror.
"You're not actually going to do it? Are you!? All the work we've put into trying to save them will be for nothing. And your niece, she'll be alone in the Nether," He argues, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Those things are not my family! Just bring me the scroll!" I spit, hatred dripping like venom off my words.
"As you wish." Zaraflow sighs, ducking into the library. I sink into my chair in front of the mirror and cry. I can't believe what the Aether has made me. Or was I always like this. Maybe that is the evil Zyanya got from me. Herobrine always said she had all of our best qualities and our worst. Perhaps the one she got from me was my naiveness. Or maybe it's something worst. Stubbornness from her father, and madness from Herobrine. Poor girl, she'll never survive on her own. Maybe there's a way to remove Herobrine, without destroying him.
"The Infinity Scroll, as you asked," Zaraflow announces sadly.
"Thank you. Hear me, Infinity Scroll! I wish for you remove a part of the darkness in Herobrine's soul!" I demand, unraveling the parchment.
"If I do this, Lord Notch, it will cause your brother to become nearly immortal. Only someone with power greater than or equal to his own will be able to stop him," a whisper of a voice asks.
"So be it. As long as he isn't dead," I reply.
"Then your wish is grated," the voice finishes. A loud cry of pain and anger resonates through the temple.
"Notch!! You've gone too far this time!! I hope you burn in the fires of hell so I can fish your pitiful corpse out of my lava seas and feed it to the hell hounds!!" The drunken voice of Herobrine roars.
"The code has been restored. Your world is safe, for now," the mirror informs, returning back to blue.
"Take this back to the library. And grab me a glass of wine too. I'm gonna need it," I groan, rubbing my temples.
"Yes, Sir. Would you like me to tell Luna there won't be training today as well?" Zaraflow asks, taking the scroll.
"Yes, please. Thanks. I'm going to take a nap or something after my drink," I thank, slumping lower into my chair.

Sorry that this was later than usual. I tend to publish these from my study hall and my schools wifi was being dumb 😖. Btw, the next chapter is going to be a bit different, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Notch and Herobrine: Brothers DividedWhere stories live. Discover now