"Sir, the son has left. There's no one left for the girl. She's slipping out of reality," Zaraflow informs me, bowing his head.
"Poor, poor Zyanya. If only there was something I could do for her now," I sigh, picking up my control panel, "I can still talk to her, right? I just can't...control her."
"Correct, sir. She just won't be able to see or feel you," Zaraflow answers, taking out his own control panel, "shall I come with you?"
"No, no. It's time for me to be the uncle I never was. Slash Tp Notch to Zyanya!" I command, teleporting away.
Zyanya is sitting alone in a corner, eyes shifting from red to brown constantly.
"What's wrong with me?! You know damn well what's wrong with you!" She yells at herself, a crazed laugh escaping her lips.
"Zy, i-it's me. Uncle Notch," I whisper, placing a ghost-like hand on her head. She looks up, staring directly into my eyes.
"Is it finally my time to go?" She asks, taking my hand.
"What? I thought Zaraflow said you couldn't see or feel me," I say, hugging her.
"Take me away from here, Notch!" Zyanya yells, eyes flashing red.
"I can't do that. Its not your time yet," I sigh releasing her as she begins thrashing around.
"Take me! Take me away from this hell! Free me from these voices!" Zyanya screams, her eyes glowing brighter than Herobrines. I look down at my hand, feeling as if I were on fire. Small flecks of my skin fly off, drifting around the room.
"Good-bye, Zyanya. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help you," I apologize, backing out of the room.
"I'll never forgive you!! One day I'll get my revenge, Notch! One day I'll be free..." Zyanya trails off, tears streaming down her face as I leave.
My brother is sitting at a table in the other room, drunk.
"Not again...no, no. Never again...you did it, but maybe you can fix it..." Herobrine slurs, taking another sip of his drink.
"Herobrine. Can I talk to you?" I ask, sitting in the chair next to him.
"Oh god no. Not another voice. Why can't I have a little time to myself for once," He complains, shifting away from me.
"Herobrine, come on, look at me!" I yell, shaking my brother roughly.
"No! Leave me be! I want to forget...at least for a little bit..." Herobrine yells, the floor underneath him cracking a bit.
"For a god, I'm useless at helping the people I love. Bye, brother. Hope you have a nice time in hell," I say, getting ready to teleport back.
"Damn you, Notch. Take me back! The girl scares me here...she's started fighting back! Save me!" Herobrine yells, slumping lower into his seat.
"Oh, how I wish I could," I sigh, shaking my head, "Slash Warp Aether."
Notch and Herobrine: Brothers Divided
FantasiaWhat happened to Herobrine that made him the way he is? Let's find out! Warning: This story gets quite sad, and almost every character cusses. The F word does come up! The feelz are real! Btw, if you ask me to change the cussing, I won't. To me it i...