Q and A 1

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Question: So basically, Herobrine and Zyanya have, like, two personaliities? And so, Zyanya has her evil side, with red eyes, and her used-to-be good side with brown brown eyes? And each have different voices in their minds?

Answer: Yes. Herobrine's eyes are white to show that, despite being evil, he is still pure somewhere. Zyanya's eyes are red to show that she is still human. A god has black or gold blood depending on if they are good or evil. But a human has red blood because they are both. I gave each character two personalities becasue it shows that somethimes evil isn't physical, but rather mental. This means that this evil can never truly be defeated because it is you and you are it. Without it you are not you.

Thx for the questions! This will be going on until Sunday, so keep the questions coming.

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