Dead and Gone

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I screamed like there was no tomorrow. My brother was dead, my heart and soul, my best friend was gone.

We had been walking from school when a black minivan passed by, but someone must have recognized him or something cause the next thing I know, he was on the ground not moving. First my parents, and now my older brother?!

I called the only other person I was really close to, my Godfather, Zane.

"What the hell Danica? You do realize what time of day it is for me right? Wait, are you crying?" He realized that he was yelling, so he lowered his voice to sound more sympathetic.

"Yeah, I realize what time it is, but this is an emergency! Will's been shot! He's dead! Your the only person I could think of to call." I sounded like a blubbing sobbing child. Ugh.

He didn't take long in getting here. I was sitting there on the sidewalk with Will's head in my lap, bawling my eyes out.

"Hey, how you holding up kiddo?" He lightly put his rough calloused hand on my shoulder.

"Terrible. I just want to curl up in a corner and cry. I feel so alone and cold." I wailed.

"I called 911 and their on the way now, but I'd rather not be here when they arrive, I don't do well with cops. Come on, I'll take you back to my place. You can stay with me, since my house is empty except for the dogs and I. My sister moved out, and she was about your size so her clothes should fit you." He helped me to my feet and we walked the short distance to his house.

Once there, I collapsed onto the couch.

Here's the life story: My parents, meaning my mom and stepdad were killed when I was ten and my older brother was the one to take care of me. But, now that he's gone I've got to live with my Godfather, who is a Dark Hunter, which means that he has no soul, and he can't die....easily. Zane knows how to handle guys, but I'm not so sure about girls.

The next day, I wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a black long sleeve turtle neck and the red scarf Will had given me for my birthday. My brother's and mine friends' kept asking me where Will was, all I told them was that he was sick and left it at that.

The day ended finally and I was waiting for Zane to pick me up (though he shouldn't be), when Abby came up to me.

"Hey, Danica. You want to come over and hang out at my place?" She was waiting patiently for my reply.

"No, I cant. I've got things to do and plus, I'm moving into my Godfathers house, so I can't today, sorry."

"Wait, your moving in with him? What about Will? What's he gonna do?" She looked really confused.

Thats it! I've had it!

"He's gone! Will. is. dead!" I screamed but before she could reply back Zane had pulled up, so I left Abby staring after me in total shock.

"Hey, kiddo. How was school today? Does anyone know about Will yet?" He was hesitant asking me these questions, thinking I might go off in a fit of rage, like I normally would.

"School was hell and yes, Abby now knows...sort of." I just stared out the passenger window, wanting to forget all about today.

"Hey hey hey, take it easy on the swearing. Life sucks I know, but lashing out at people is not going to bring your brother back." Zane was becoming uneasy and some what annoying.

"Whatever. Do you mind if I go out tonight?" I asked with an odd calm.

"To where would you be going?" He asked with some edge.

"Crossbow's." I said not bothering to look him straight in the eyes.

"Like hell you are! You can go ONLY if you agree to have someone with you. And that someone will be of my choosing. Got it?" He was so angry that he was on the verge of punching out the window, but thinking better of it since it was still daylight.

"Fine. Who then?" I questioned.

"Theodore Ravenwood, he's a friend of mine's son, he's a Were-Hunter and also the same age as you. You will mind your attitude around him. He'll be your body guard tonight. The club your going to is also ran by Were-Hunters and a bunch of Daimons like to haunt there, so I want you to be careful." He was so over protective but I knew how to handle myself.

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