moving in

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georgie worgie: hey al kno when ur moving in yet??

big man al: um idk yet wht day is gd 4 u??

georgie worgie: well how about thrsday?

big man al: k, i'm gonna tlk to james and then i'll strt packing. srry if im being an inconvenience ;(;(

georgie worgie: nono ur not al honestly

big man al: tyty <3

georgie worgie: np <3


it was a monday evening, alex was spread out on the sofa watching netflix when james walked in through the front door.
"y'right mate?" alex murmured, pausing the show and sitting up properly, "how's fraser?" he looked up at james.
"um yeah, yeah, good.. what you watching?" james collapsed onto the sofa next to alex with a huff.
"oh just this documentary, it's kinda boring," alex clicked off of the documentary and went to choose something else.

alex pushed his dark hair to the side, "uh james," he began, "i'm gonna be moving in with george, y'know, permanently, on thursday," james looked over to meet the boy's bright eyes.
"oh right, well, that's cool," he smiled, although, he was going to miss having alex around to lighten the place up.
"yeah, well, thought i'd finally get out ya hair," alex laughed.
"yeah! now you can go leech off one of your other mates," james teased, elbowing the smaller boy next to him.
"fuck off mate!" alex half laughed-half shouted, playfully hitting james repeatedly.

walking over to the guest room, alex grabbed the same rucksack he always put his clothes in - from his parents' to will's and from will's to james's - from the coat hanger in the hallway before walking down to the room he was staying in. he piled up all the clothes (most being on the floor) into his arms and squeezed them into the bag, leaving out a pair of jeans and a couple of t-shirts for the next few days.

it was finally thursday morning, george was frantically pacing around the flat, checking and re-checking. everything had to be perfect; he had to make sure the apartment looked nice for when alex arrived. george had always been a bit of a clean freak, especially when people were coming round. he paced around the living room a couple times, re-arranging shelves and checking behind cabinets. then he moved onto the kitchen, wiping the surfaces repetitively and making sure the dishes were washed and in the proper places. then he checked the bathroom, his room, and finally alex's new room. he made sure the bedding was set out neatly and made sure everything was faultless.

then, after about 20 minutes of pacing, george heard the sound that made his heart sink into his stomach - the ring of the doorbell. why was he so nervous? it was alex! they'd been best friends for years! it's not like alex was even the type to care - he was the messiest person george knew. but still, he wanted to make sure it was perfect.

george gulped and opened the door.
"hey alex," george let him through to the living room, smiling nervously.
"hey george, y'right?" before george could respond, alex exclaimed, "jesus this place is so nice 'n' clean! well, what did i expect, really? you're the biggest clean freak i know," george relaxed a little, his shoulder slumping, now knowing alex thought it his place was tidy.
"well, it's better than living in a pile of clothes, i've seen your place before alex," george joked, getting a laugh in return from alex.

"oh uh! right, come this way, your rooms through here," george prompted alex to follow him, alex doing so.
"honestly george mate, i cant even say how much i appreciate you letting me stay, you're an absolute legend, thank you so much," alex genuinely thanked the brunette leading him into his new room. he was so glad he finally had somewhere permanent, he had been so anxious about where to go next, because he could only really stay with one friend for about a week at a time, and he didn't know how long it would be before he got his own place. he was so grateful for george; this was a reminder of why he was his best friend.

"aw al, it's no problem, you know i would've let you stayed from the very beginning? why didn't you just ring me?" george asked, alex putting his rucksack on his bedroom floor.
"well, just didn't really think, will was the first person that came to mind because he was the last person i saw before getting kicked out," alex admitted, george nodding.
"right, well, want to get a chinese and play mario kart?" george pulled out his phone to ring the chinese take away restaurant, already knowing the answer.
"sounds like a plan," alex smiled.

thirty minutes later, they had their chinese and were playing mario kart in george's duvet.
"n-no!! fuck- fuck off george you dickhead!" alex shouted, being hit by a blue shell by george, who was in eighth place, and being over taken by the same laughing boy.
"get fucking destroyed mate," george commented, making alex playfully but forcefully hit him on his arm; seeing him so angry over mario kart made him laugh even more.

hours later, they had finished their food and turned off the wii, and george was editing on his laptop while alex was watching tv, leaning against george's arm with his head on his shoulder. well at least, george thought alex was watching tv - he looked over and saw the younger boy asleep, his pink lips slightly open and his cheeks flushed. his eyes were shut, but very lightly - he looked so.... peaceful. george couldn't help but stare at the cute boy leaning on his shoulder. quickly snapping out his trace, he shut his laptop shut, snuggling up to alex and falling asleep calmly.

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