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"stop telling me you're ok." the cold voice rang through the bedroom like a bell in an empty warehouse. the room they were in felt musky, the lack of fresh air almost too apparent.
"george.. please. please just stay here with me, ok?" alex was laying in bed, looking at his boyfriend who was sat on the edge of their bed. his eyes were filled with longing, longing for george's touch. for george to hold him tight - for george to hold him tight and feel his warmth melt away his sadness and fill his emptiness.

sixteen days. sixteen days since alex had left his room. well, of course he left to use the bathroom, but he didn't leave at any other time. george stayed in with him most days, trying to cheer him up, ordering them take-aways or making them toast. he didn't want to leave the younger boy alone, he was too worried.

alex looked up towards george with sullen eyes. george's brunet hair was messy and his skin was a little greasy.
"i just want to help you," he sighed, his eyes turned down, "why won't you let me?"
"there's nothing you could do, i feel really ill, i don't know what it is," alex made up, wrapping his arms around george's neck and pulling him down to lay with him, "maybe something's in the air?"

"i'll go get you another orange," george kissed his despondent boyfriend on his cheek, pulling away from his embrace.
"why do you keep force feeding me oranges?" alex groaned, throwing his head back onto the headboard.
"i dunno, is fruit, makes you feel better, vitimain C and that," george replied from the kitchen, and walked back into bedroom, handing alex the orange.
"that's cute," alex muttered, digging his nails into the thick peel of the orange while george blushed and smiled.

days blurred into weeks; alex spending each and everyday in bed with george, tossing and turning, nothing felt real to him anymore. he couldn't be bothered to try anymore. his chest felt empty as it inflated and deflated, rib cage visible against his pale skin. george tried to make him happy, tried doing all the things he used to love doing, but he could see through all of alex's fake smiles no matter how much he tried to make them seem real.

they were both so tired; lethargic and pale looking. george was too worried about alex to leave the apartment. he would occasionally invite will or james over, but only because if he didn't he knew he wouldn't be seeing them. each of them tried to ask alex what was wrong, or make him smile, each with varying degrees of success. alex appreciated their efforts, though. he had great friends but he couldn't bring himself to tell one of them - to tell george - what was going on in his mind.

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