why, cupid?

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it was 2am on a sunday morning. rain pattered against the window as the thunder lowly roared. alex and george were sat outside their apartment building, sitting on the street with their legs in the road. there was no people, no cars, no worries. just them, and the rain that hit against their faces. george leaned over and put his head on alex's shoulder.
"you're so comfy," george smiled.
then alex felt it. the feeling in his heart. it felt heavy, and happy, and weird, and it suddenly slapped him around the face and punched him in his stomach. it was love. please no, he begged in his mind, not george. i cant. anyone but george.

alex's stomach was in a whirl; a blush crept upon his face and the boy next to him scooted in closer, nuzzling into his neck. why, cupid? why were you such a fucking asshole? alex had no idea what to do. this was george! they've been best friends for years now! surely, this feeling, this overwhelming, aching feeling of adoration, couldn't be what he thought it was - he couldn't love george.

staring into the distance, alex's mind began to spiral. he thought of all sorts of things - what if they got together? what if george found out? would this ruin their friendship? alex couldn't help himself, though. he had to face the facts: he had a huge crush on george. he had for a while, but this is the first time it hit him. what was he supposed to do? george was straight! but, still. alex couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of bliss everytime george looked his way. he wanted nothing more but to be loved by him.

it was about 2:30am, the rain had stopped and they were both getting a bit chilly.
"hey, al, wanna go inside and have it out on smash bros?" george's offer was so enticing to alex. the boy's innocent smile sent alex's mind into a frenzy.
"s-sounds great!" alex nodded. both the boys stood up, walking back into the building.
"i'm gonna win this time, right," george confidently stated, "you always think you're so clever, throwing me off the map before i can even pick up the controller," alex laughed at the boys argument, making george shove into him.
" 's not my fault you're shit, mate," alex retorted, shoving back into him.

he was laughing, but his heart was feeling heavy. but not in a bad way - alex kinda liked it. he felt so happy, but at the same time, it hurt so much. oh well, he could just ignore the pain, right? god, george made him the happiest boy in the world. alex just found everything about him so.. perfect? he was pure, like an angel, and he was so kind. he thought george was an absolutely beautiful person, inside and out.

george opened the front door, alex following behind. god, he wanted this to end, but at the same time, he wanted to go on forever. alex sat down as george turned on the switch, and threw a controller alex's way.
"catch," george bluntly demanded, the small controller hitting alex's chest before it fell into his hands.
"fuck you." alex laughed.
"you wish." george replied, smirking.
"yeah.. no." the other boy lied, choosing his character.

the two boys played until the early hours of the morning, laughing and yelling.
"oh... fuck, al, it's like 4:30 am. we should probably go to bed." alex's heart sunk. what he really wanted was to stay up with george, his ray of sunshine, and cuddle like they did a couple weeks ago, and wake up in each other's arms. that would be perfect. that's all alex wanted. but he couldn't say that to george. so he simply agreed.

they both cleaned their teeth and put on their pyjamas,
"night al, sleep well." george smiled sleepily, walking to his room.
"g'night george," alex replied. he walked to his room as well, turning the lights off. he laid down, and put his phone on his bedside table.

he couldn't stop thinking about george. george had injected himself into his mind, like heroine. god, everything about him was perfect - how he desperately needed a haircut and that made his hair go everywhere in the mornings; how his dimples showed when he smiled; his cute, boop-able nose; the way his monotone voice occasionally broke when he got excited; the way his chocolate eyes reflected when in the sun. this euphoria was so sudden, it was like a wave of light after an eternity of darkness. alex felt awestruck. but at the same time, he could feel his heart breaking because there was no way george would like him back. and if alex told him, their friendship would be ruined. and alex couldn't deal with that thought; it petrified him in every way. what could he do? he didn't know how long he could handle this.

rolling over onto the other side, alex closed his eyes. sleeping is probably the only thing that will distract him from his feelings. yeah, alex thought, sleep it off and pray that tomorrow doesn't come. with that thought, he fell asleep, still thinking of george.

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