the start of something horrible

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it had been a week and 4 days since will's party, and alex had been acting strange, like something was on his mind, and no matter how much george badgered him, he denied being upset. alex sat on the sofa, with his legs crossed, staring at the floor. his skin was pale and his eyes were dull; he looked sickly.

"alex? baby?" george walked in through the kitchen, trying to get the attention of his tired looking boyfriend. alex looked up, meeting his darkened eyes with george's worried ones. "you ok?" he sat down next to him, grabbing his cold hand.
"i'm ok, i'm just tired, don't worry darling," alex reassured him, faking a smile.
"you've been tired for like a week and a half though," george whined, resting his head in alex's shoulder.
"i'll be fine, it's just one of those things,"
the worried boy sat up to properly look at his boyfriend.
"but- but al, i'm really worried about you,"
alex pulled george into a hug.
"i'm sorry, sweetie, i don't want you to worry, ok?" he murmured, his face pressed into george's chest. the other boy just hummed in response.

a week has gone by. alex is getting worse everyday. his eyes went from electric blue to indigo, and the colour around his eyes were dark compared to his pale skin. he didn't look sad anymore - he just looked empty. he felt empty. he didn't want to go anywhere anymore, didn't want to take care of himself, didn't want to work. he ignored all his messages, and had been for a week and a half. everyone was worried.

"alex? you doing ok?" george asked, getting more worried, pestering alex into telling him.
"y-yeah, i'm fine," he looked at george, but not into his eyes.
"you don't seem fine," he pointed out.
"please, not now george." he walked over and sat down on the couch, george following him and laying down on his lap.
"what can i do to make you feel better?" he whined, getting a sad smile from alex.
"i don't know, i'm sorry, i'm sorry i'm acting like this, you don't deserve this," he rambled, "i'm such a burden," george could feel his stomach drop. he sat up to look alex in the eye.
"alex, listen. you're not a burden. you're probably the best thing that's happened to me. why would you think that?"
"i don't know, i'm sorry," alex repeated, leaning over on george's shoulder.

another week went by. alex was still getting worse. george was beyond worried at this point - his heart ached everytime alex looked up with lifeless eyes and a sad smile. he had no idea what to do. he opened his phone, texting james.


georgie worgie: james come over please it's important
i'm really scared

thicc papi: what happened???

georgie worgie: somethings wrong with alex

thicc papi: what do u mean

georgie worgie: i dunno. he looks like really sad and he doesn't really smile anymore, he just mopes around all day and he doesnt take care of himself. idk i'm worried it's been happening for like 3 weeks now

thicc papi: omw over


"hey al," george said, falling into the couch and landing next to his boyfriend
"hey," he muttered, looking down at his phone still.
"please please please tell me what's wrong," george begged, leaning on his shoulder.
"if it was something important i'd tell you," alex stated, turning his phone off and putting it on his lap.
"this has been going on for like 3 weeks, why can't you tell me what's wrong? it's not like anything bad would happen if you did tell me," he rubbed his temple against alex's shoulder, badgering him more and more with a whiny tone in his voice.
"george! listen love, nothing's happened, right? i'm not sad, ok? i just want to chill out for a bit, yeah? you're so paranoid, just don't worry, ok?" alex tried to reassure him, giving out a nervous smile.
"by the way, james is coming over," george added, leaning against alex's arm and opening twitter.
"what? why?" the grey-looking boy sat up suddenly, a hint of panic in his voice.
"dunno, just invited him round,"
"well..." alex sighed, "it's only james i suppose, i don't really have to get ready,"

about ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and george sprang up to open it. he was greeted by the much taller, bearded man.
"y'right george," he smiled, walking into the living room, and looking over at alex, who was sitting on the sofa with his phone in his hand. his eyes were bloodshot and looked heavy, and it looked as if the soul had been sucked from his body.

"y'right alex mate? you look like a corpse they just pulled out the river," james joked, getting a breathy laugh from alex. he knew why he was here, he had to try and wheedle the reason alex was so down out of him. "seriously, you look ill, you ok?"
"yeah i'm fine, don't worry," alex looked up at him. george was in the kitchen making a cup of tea, eavesdropping as much as he possibly could.
"you haven't left the house in about a month, you haven't been answering your phone either," james was a very good affable person, george on the other hand, was a great person, but wasn't a very good convincer.

it had been about an hour, james had gone home, even he couldn't get much out of alex except him saying that he didn't feel like going outside because of how exhausted he was, even though he hadn't done anything for weeks. at least that's more than he had told george. it made him feel a bit betrayed that he would tell james and not him, but he just had to accept it and move on. both of the boys went to bed, alex's arm wrapped around george's waist.
"g'night baby," george whispered, nodding off.
"g'night love," scrolling through twitter, the bright screen illuminating the dark room.

a/n: this probably has a lot of mistakes due to the fact that i'm soooo tired because i just got back from camping, but i had to update this because it's been like 5-6 days or something oops sorry about that

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