so guys, we have an announcement...

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this was gonna be a difficult video to make, alex thought. he sat down next to george, putting down his mcdonald's milkshake so it was out of view of the camera.
"y'ready?" george breathed, obviously nervous. they had finally decided to make a video saying that they've moved in: more and more people were constantly asking on twitter, seeing as they seemed to be around each other 24/7. it wasn't the video they were nervous about, it was how the fans would react. would they like this? would people start shipping them even more? they dreaded to think about it.

"hello everyone, imallexx, welcome back to another video," alex began his intro, "today, today isn't a normal "imallexx bullies some random person and tries to stretch it to 10 minutes video", no, me and george actually have an announcement..." alex stopped and looked over to george, obviously cueing him in to say that they've moved in. george, being george, looked back and forth from the camera to alex a couple times before both the boys burst out laughing.

"oh! um, yeah, w-we've moved in together," george finally announced, "you don't even understand how fuckin nervous i am about all the twitter stans going fucking mental," george and alex both laughed. they filmed for another couple of minutes before turning off the camera.

george flopped over onto alex's bed, and sighed deeply, partly from exhaustion, mainly from relieve that the video was finally done.
"ok, i'm gonna post it now," literally 30 seconds after posting the video, twitter was blowing up. both of the boys notification boxes were filled with: "I CANT BELIEVE @ ImAllexx AND @ Memeulous HAVE MOVED IN TOGETHER IM CRYING KSKSKSKSK" and things along those lines. well, at least there could've been worse reactions.

they both sat down on the couch and turned on netflix, both relieved that they finally made the video. they both had dinner and fell asleep around mindnight.

a/n: another really short one really sorry!! the next chapter is where things get exciting i promise ;) also sorry for the short ending i didn't know what to write ksksksk

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